Addio anno non bisesto ma funesto
And finally, this year we have lousy him to get out of the back!
We hope that 2011 is MUCH better than the last.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Fm Radio To Reciev Police Frequency
Sarai. Sarò.
Ovunque tu sarai, io ci sarò.
In qualunque giorno deciderai di arrivare, io sarò lì, ad aspettarti.
E sarai compagno di viaggio. Compagno di giochi. Compagno di vita. Padre di tutti i figli che mi cresceranno in grembo.
E sarai la navata che mi conduce all'altare. E sarai bastone della vecchiaia. E spalla sulla quale appoggerò il capo, quando sarò stanca.
E sarai la mano che mi accarezzerà il profilo, mentre dormo. Gli occhi che mi guarderanno, attenti, quando sarò distratta.
E sarai Natali, e Pasque. E San Valentino tutto l'anno. E sarai giornate da raccontarsi, e sfide per sostenersi. E sarai litigi, scontri, e telefoni muti. E sarai l'amore che si fa, per ritrovare la pace. E il fianco contro il quale raggomitolarsi quando avrò freddo. E sarai storia da raccontare ai nipoti, davanti al fuoco di un camino acceso. E sarai casa da arredare, e conti a fine mese da saldare. Sarai presente, e sarai futuro. Non sarai mai passato. E sarai timone e bussola, nelle tempeste. E specchio in which look when I can not see me. And you'll be the lighthouse, and you will be light, and stars that you do not fall.
And you swear to keep a promise. And you will not believe in eternity.
Ovunque tu sarai, io ci sarò.
In qualunque giorno deciderai di arrivare, io sarò lì, ad aspettarti.
E sarai compagno di viaggio. Compagno di giochi. Compagno di vita. Padre di tutti i figli che mi cresceranno in grembo.
E sarai la navata che mi conduce all'altare. E sarai bastone della vecchiaia. E spalla sulla quale appoggerò il capo, quando sarò stanca.
E sarai la mano che mi accarezzerà il profilo, mentre dormo. Gli occhi che mi guarderanno, attenti, quando sarò distratta.
E sarai Natali, e Pasque. E San Valentino tutto l'anno. E sarai giornate da raccontarsi, e sfide per sostenersi. E sarai litigi, scontri, e telefoni muti. E sarai l'amore che si fa, per ritrovare la pace. E il fianco contro il quale raggomitolarsi quando avrò freddo. E sarai storia da raccontare ai nipoti, davanti al fuoco di un camino acceso. E sarai casa da arredare, e conti a fine mese da saldare. Sarai presente, e sarai futuro. Non sarai mai passato. E sarai timone e bussola, nelle tempeste. E specchio in which look when I can not see me. And you'll be the lighthouse, and you will be light, and stars that you do not fall.
And you swear to keep a promise. And you will not believe in eternity.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Emporio Armani Men's Beanie Hat

few days ago, I was in a bar with a friend. We were chatting about trivial things, and read: the guy who had not called, missed a Christmas card, the ability to separate mind from body, and learn to have sex like men, without emotional involvement, without ties, without breaking sentimental .
However, I could not help but hear the conversation of people sitting at the next table. One of them, almost shouting, said: "Certainly it takes great courage to take her own life for a disappointment in love. She was so young, poor girl ..." ..
Courage? It takes courage to take her own life for a disappointment in love? ...
And the father who, every day, gets up at five in the morning, kisses his children in silence, never complaining, leaves home to go to work, a chore, like that of a bricklayer, a job underpaid, tiring, frustrating, and lacking the most basic security measures ... here, that father is brave, or not?
And the mother of the family who, at fifty, is to do the cleaning in another's house without being able to take care of their own, to help her husband (whose salary alone is not enough) to make ends meet later this month, try, try, and I say, to ensure a future that is worthy of the name, their children ... here, the mother of the family is brave, or not?
And the children of the father, and the mother, to pay for studies, and ease the burden on household budgets, are divided between university courses and jobs of all sorts, from waiter to his secretary, famed teacher to repetitions, through the operator, up to the mask in the theater ... here, those children are brave, or not? And children
del reparto oncologico, che affrontano mali incurabili, e lo fanno col sorriso sulle labbra. Quei bambini desiderosi di vita, ma costretti in una stanza d'ospedale. Quei bambini che conoscono un mondo fatto solo di aghi, lacci emostatici, flebo e sale operatorie ... ecco, quei bambini sono coraggiosi, oppure non lo sono?
E i volontari della croce rossa, della protezione civile, dell'assistenza ai disabili e agli anziani, che dedicano la propria vita a quella degli altri ... ecco, quei volontari sono coraggiosi, oppure non lo sono?
Coraggioso è chi affronta la vita con i suoi infiniti inganni, e le sue pene. Coraggioso è chi si rialza ad ogni caduta, e prosegue il cammino. Coraggioso è chi si batte per un indeale, and is willing to die for that. Brave who is not afraid of fear, but neither underestimates. Brave is the one who performs his duty, every day, every day. Small, everyday heroes.
Brave and alert. Because it takes more courage to live than to die.
Ps: there earthen, strongly, to emphasize one thing. In my mind, and my words, they absolutely excluding cases of euthanasia, which in Italy has been accompanied by endless controversy. Those circumstances are very different from the circumstances that inspired it, and I am referring, in the post. These are people who have lived with dignity, and wanted to give dignity to his death. A choice, in my view, not only brave (since we are talking of courage), but even respect for life itself, to remain so, and does not turn into a straightforward, exhausting, pointless agony.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Swallon Sore Knuckles
Carissimo Babbo Natale, quest'anno ..
... I want my right knee to stop the "James-James," because I do not do the MRI! If I am forced to go into that frightful coffin metal, I swear I'll take your elves hostage and blackmail you!
I wish Mr. S. was submerged by a few hundred tons of coal. I wish sbattesse the toe on the doorjamb. I wish lose your house keys, being locked out and just the night before, while everyone is inside, the warmth, dinner, or even remember its existence. I wish you a slut than four pounds to his bed, while sleeping, and did take a hit. However, I think they often have a lot of whores, and since Christmas we are all better people, this may also postpone the December 31.
Finally, I fall in love. Why, after five long years, singles is no longer beautiful, or funny. Single sucks! Especially when you go into a restaurant and see all those couples who hold hands, they whisper words of love to your ear, and look at you as if I were the unlucky guy. After five long years, singles may make you diabetic, and potentially murderous. Because if someone asks me: "How can a girl so beautiful and intelligent is not engaged?" I can try to explain that, nowadays, to find a decent man who has not put the balls on ' tree (confused with the Christmas decorations), is an enormous task. Or, can point a gun to his head, and avoid that in future, I still ask stupid questions.
Ergo, I would like a revolver.
on my window sill find milk and cookies, like every year. There are also lighted candles, they say, should guide their luck at home. See not to set fire to his beard.
a very cordial greeting. Antonia.
Ps: I forgot ... I would also like Berlusconi to resign. But I understand that you can only make gifts, not miracles.

... I want my right knee to stop the "James-James," because I do not do the MRI! If I am forced to go into that frightful coffin metal, I swear I'll take your elves hostage and blackmail you!
I wish Mr. S. was submerged by a few hundred tons of coal. I wish sbattesse the toe on the doorjamb. I wish lose your house keys, being locked out and just the night before, while everyone is inside, the warmth, dinner, or even remember its existence. I wish you a slut than four pounds to his bed, while sleeping, and did take a hit. However, I think they often have a lot of whores, and since Christmas we are all better people, this may also postpone the December 31.
Finally, I fall in love. Why, after five long years, singles is no longer beautiful, or funny. Single sucks! Especially when you go into a restaurant and see all those couples who hold hands, they whisper words of love to your ear, and look at you as if I were the unlucky guy. After five long years, singles may make you diabetic, and potentially murderous. Because if someone asks me: "How can a girl so beautiful and intelligent is not engaged?" I can try to explain that, nowadays, to find a decent man who has not put the balls on ' tree (confused with the Christmas decorations), is an enormous task. Or, can point a gun to his head, and avoid that in future, I still ask stupid questions.
Ergo, I would like a revolver.
on my window sill find milk and cookies, like every year. There are also lighted candles, they say, should guide their luck at home. See not to set fire to his beard.
a very cordial greeting. Antonia.
Ps: I forgot ... I would also like Berlusconi to resign. But I understand that you can only make gifts, not miracles.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Blog Russian Bare Free
At my mom. Why, when I asked her: "I saw a beautiful blue scarf. Could you buy?" She got a pair of gloves blacks, and a French beret. What with dark curls there is fine.
"You deserve it" - he added - "for all the things you do not ask."
for my dad. "Do you remember when we were kids, and you touched turn like a spinning top gone crazy, among countless shops, so that, under the tree, find the exact toy we had hoped?" ...
Her knees are still the most comfortable place to sit.
to my brother. That makes me space in his bed, a square, at night when I incubators, and I find it hard to sleep.
grandparents. Which always have a story to tell.
friends. Playmates, and spontaneous smiles. And up early morning, train trips, lectures, nights spent in notebooks, notes, scented crayons and markers. And the joy for an exam went well, and anger professor for that asshole, praising equality, and teaches the injury. And then have breakfast together, and together with the booze. It took me 24 years to understand that wine and alcohol should not be mixed. The laughs softly. The songs strumming in the parades. The memory of a love child. The days passed. The days to live. A
uncle is gone. A Mark that followed. Too many flowers in the sky, and too many animals here on earth.
scars. That remind us of where we were, but they should not determine where we go.
Who knows how to be happy for what he has, and not for what they would have.
Who does not want me. And then he turned into his biggest regret. Who me avuta, e non mi rimpiange affatto.
Al Principe Azzurro. Al Principe Giallo. Al Principe Verde. A quello rosso, rosa e fucsia. Un principe a pois. Uno a stelle e strisce. Un principe a quadretti.
Sii il Principe Azzurro di te stessa. Salvati da sola.
A chi c'è.
A chi avrebbe voluto esserci, ma non ha potuto.
A chi avrebbe potuto esserci, ma non ha voluto.
A chi è rimasto. Nonostante tutto.
A chi ha trovato il coraggio di scegliere. A chi sceglie di non scegliere.
A chi ha paura. A chi lotta. A chi resiste.
A chi ancora ci crede. A chi ci ride su.
A chi mette un piede dietro l'altro. Perché i grandi viaggi si cominciano col muovere un passo.
A chi odia le ovvietà decise dagli altri.
A chi abbassa la testa solo per allacciarsi le scarpe.
A chi sa aspettare. A chi è stanco di aspettare.
A chi: "Se c'è qualcosa di speciale, sotto questo cielo, passerà di qui, prima o poi".
A chi chiede scusa. A chi perdona. A chi non sa perdonare. Perché Gesù Cristo diceva: "Porgi l'altra guancia", ma anche Lui sapeva di averne due soltanto.
A chi ha bisogno di credere che qualcosa di straordinario possa accadere.
A chi ama.

At my mom. Why, when I asked her: "I saw a beautiful blue scarf. Could you buy?" She got a pair of gloves blacks, and a French beret. What with dark curls there is fine.
"You deserve it" - he added - "for all the things you do not ask."
for my dad. "Do you remember when we were kids, and you touched turn like a spinning top gone crazy, among countless shops, so that, under the tree, find the exact toy we had hoped?" ...
Her knees are still the most comfortable place to sit.
to my brother. That makes me space in his bed, a square, at night when I incubators, and I find it hard to sleep.
grandparents. Which always have a story to tell.
friends. Playmates, and spontaneous smiles. And up early morning, train trips, lectures, nights spent in notebooks, notes, scented crayons and markers. And the joy for an exam went well, and anger professor for that asshole, praising equality, and teaches the injury. And then have breakfast together, and together with the booze. It took me 24 years to understand that wine and alcohol should not be mixed. The laughs softly. The songs strumming in the parades. The memory of a love child. The days passed. The days to live. A
uncle is gone. A Mark that followed. Too many flowers in the sky, and too many animals here on earth.
scars. That remind us of where we were, but they should not determine where we go.
Who knows how to be happy for what he has, and not for what they would have.
Who does not want me. And then he turned into his biggest regret. Who me avuta, e non mi rimpiange affatto.
Al Principe Azzurro. Al Principe Giallo. Al Principe Verde. A quello rosso, rosa e fucsia. Un principe a pois. Uno a stelle e strisce. Un principe a quadretti.
Sii il Principe Azzurro di te stessa. Salvati da sola.
A chi c'è.
A chi avrebbe voluto esserci, ma non ha potuto.
A chi avrebbe potuto esserci, ma non ha voluto.
A chi è rimasto. Nonostante tutto.
A chi ha trovato il coraggio di scegliere. A chi sceglie di non scegliere.
A chi ha paura. A chi lotta. A chi resiste.
A chi ancora ci crede. A chi ci ride su.
A chi mette un piede dietro l'altro. Perché i grandi viaggi si cominciano col muovere un passo.
A chi odia le ovvietà decise dagli altri.
A chi abbassa la testa solo per allacciarsi le scarpe.
A chi sa aspettare. A chi è stanco di aspettare.
A chi: "Se c'è qualcosa di speciale, sotto questo cielo, passerà di qui, prima o poi".
A chi chiede scusa. A chi perdona. A chi non sa perdonare. Perché Gesù Cristo diceva: "Porgi l'altra guancia", ma anche Lui sapeva di averne due soltanto.
A chi ha bisogno di credere che qualcosa di straordinario possa accadere.
A chi ama.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Images Of Inguinal Hernia In Woman
Riscrivendo l'art. 1 della Costituzione.
L'Italia è una Repubblica delle banane, ormai ampiamente filo-fascita, based on football. Sovereignty belongs to the Prime sold and is exercised cheerfully screwing the Constitution.
... what we could ever expect from a country where football players go on strike, the valleys open their legs and become ministers, meritocracy is to blows with the corruption, the barony maccarena dances, and who denounces the Camorra is accused of making propaganda for itself? ?
Compromise is a bastard child of human littleness, when sweeping the need and the bearer of seeds vicious.
L'Italia è una Repubblica delle banane, ormai ampiamente filo-fascita, based on football. Sovereignty belongs to the Prime sold and is exercised cheerfully screwing the Constitution.
... what we could ever expect from a country where football players go on strike, the valleys open their legs and become ministers, meritocracy is to blows with the corruption, the barony maccarena dances, and who denounces the Camorra is accused of making propaganda for itself? ?
Compromise is a bastard child of human littleness, when sweeping the need and the bearer of seeds vicious.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Tonsillitis In Babies
Cos'è l'amore?
"Love is when you go out to eat, and a lot of chips to someone without wanting the other to give you. "(Gianluca, 6 years)
" When my grandmother had arthritis and could not get your nails done, her grandfather used to do it though He also had arthritis. This is love. "(Rebecca, age 8)
" Love is when a girl puts on perfume, aftershave boy, and then come together to sniff. "(Martin, 5 years)
" Love is the first thing you hear, before it gets to the evil. "(Charles, 5 years)
" Love is when someone hurts you, and you are very angry, but not screaming for him not to cry . '(Susanna, 5 years)
"Love is quella cosa che ci fa sorridere quando siamo stanchi." (Tommaso, 4 anni)
"L'amore è quando mamma fa il caffè per papà e lo assaggia prima, per assicurarsi che sia buono." (Daniele, 7 anni)
"L'amore è quando mamma da' a papà il pezzo più buono del pollo." (Elena, 5 anni)
"L'amore è quando il mio cane mi lecca la faccia, anche se l'ho lasciato solo tutta la giornata." (Anna Maria, 4 anni)
"Non bisogna mai dire "Ti amo" se non è vero. Ma, se è vero, bisogna dirlo tante volte. Le persone dimenticano." (Jessica, 8 anni)

"Love is when you go out to eat, and a lot of chips to someone without wanting the other to give you. "(Gianluca, 6 years)
" When my grandmother had arthritis and could not get your nails done, her grandfather used to do it though He also had arthritis. This is love. "(Rebecca, age 8)
" Love is when a girl puts on perfume, aftershave boy, and then come together to sniff. "(Martin, 5 years)
" Love is the first thing you hear, before it gets to the evil. "(Charles, 5 years)
" Love is when someone hurts you, and you are very angry, but not screaming for him not to cry . '(Susanna, 5 years)
"Love is quella cosa che ci fa sorridere quando siamo stanchi." (Tommaso, 4 anni)
"L'amore è quando mamma fa il caffè per papà e lo assaggia prima, per assicurarsi che sia buono." (Daniele, 7 anni)
"L'amore è quando mamma da' a papà il pezzo più buono del pollo." (Elena, 5 anni)
"L'amore è quando il mio cane mi lecca la faccia, anche se l'ho lasciato solo tutta la giornata." (Anna Maria, 4 anni)
"Non bisogna mai dire "Ti amo" se non è vero. Ma, se è vero, bisogna dirlo tante volte. Le persone dimenticano." (Jessica, 8 anni)
Monday, November 29, 2010
Masterbation Of Hostel Living Women
Arriverderci Mario, amico mio
It 'just a black period for the world of entertainment, today is not Mario Monicelli, director and writer.
Unlike the two previous listings, although seriously ill, he decided to end their lives when and how he wanted probabilmente per non assistere al progressivo disfacimento del suo corpo terreno.
Il suo spirito indomito, facile allo sberleffo era quello di un Toscano di rena, ma aveva installato nelle sue opere il gusto della risata con un sottofondo di amarezza.
Per noi Toscani, sarà sempre ricordato come il regista dei primi due capitoli della serie di Amici Miei .
Se si fossero svolti, ai tuoi funerali ci sarebbe stata molta più gente di quella presente a quelli del Perozzi.
Ciao Mario, amico nostro!
It 'just a black period for the world of entertainment, today is not Mario Monicelli, director and writer.
Unlike the two previous listings, although seriously ill, he decided to end their lives when and how he wanted probabilmente per non assistere al progressivo disfacimento del suo corpo terreno.
Il suo spirito indomito, facile allo sberleffo era quello di un Toscano di rena, ma aveva installato nelle sue opere il gusto della risata con un sottofondo di amarezza.
Per noi Toscani, sarà sempre ricordato come il regista dei primi due capitoli della serie di Amici Miei .
Se si fossero svolti, ai tuoi funerali ci sarebbe stata molta più gente di quella presente a quelli del Perozzi.
Ciao Mario, amico nostro!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Boats Holding Pennies
Adesso la Pallattola è davvero spuntata
Un altro grande personaggio della commedia leggera e dell'intrattenimento comico ci ha lasciati.
I was not a true fan of Leslie Nielsen, but his films made it possible to get a laugh without lapsing into too much vulgar as some cinepanettoni.
All who knew him as Dr. Rumack in Airplane! the world, as Father Jebedaiah Mayii in Riposseduta , as Count Dracula in Dracula: Dead and as Dick Steele in light and leaves spy, but the role in which we review it in our minds is that of Frank Drebin in the films The Naked Gun series .
His comedy was fresh and genuine, although sometimes, she falls into the vulgar. We'll miss
Lieutenant. I hope solo che ti lascino arbitrare anche là, dove sei adesso.
Un altro grande personaggio della commedia leggera e dell'intrattenimento comico ci ha lasciati.
I was not a true fan of Leslie Nielsen, but his films made it possible to get a laugh without lapsing into too much vulgar as some cinepanettoni.
All who knew him as Dr. Rumack in Airplane! the world, as Father Jebedaiah Mayii in Riposseduta , as Count Dracula in Dracula: Dead and as Dick Steele in light and leaves spy, but the role in which we review it in our minds is that of Frank Drebin in the films The Naked Gun series .
His comedy was fresh and genuine, although sometimes, she falls into the vulgar. We'll miss
Lieutenant. I hope solo che ti lascino arbitrare anche là, dove sei adesso.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Descargar Hdloader 3.8c
Stranezze e Stronzate.
Una settimana fa, circa.
Mio padre: " Anto, ma non vuoi fidanzarti, andare a convivere ( ha detto proprio così. Convivere. Mio padre ha usato la parola con-vi-ve-re ), sposarti, un giorno? "
Io: " Certo papà. Sto solo cercando la persona giusta. Facendo un rapido calcolo, conto di trovarla in un'altra vita. Aspetto la reincarnazione .. " ..
Il cinismo l'ho ereditato da lui.
Domenica pomeriggio.
Una mia amica: " Anto, forse il tuo problema con gli uomini è che hai un carattere troppo forte .. "
Io: " Forse, il problema che gli uomini hanno con me, è che io ho un carattere .. " ..
L'amica è was immediately downgraded to "constructive knowledge".
Emilio Fede: "A civilized people, as we are, should lead these students."
Thus spoke one of the lackeys of Berlusconi and the shame of Italian journalism. Along with dignity, he must have lost the ability to differentiate between what is civil and what is not is.
It 's true that the mother of idiots is always pregnant.
Una settimana fa, circa.
Mio padre: " Anto, ma non vuoi fidanzarti, andare a convivere ( ha detto proprio così. Convivere. Mio padre ha usato la parola con-vi-ve-re ), sposarti, un giorno? "
Io: " Certo papà. Sto solo cercando la persona giusta. Facendo un rapido calcolo, conto di trovarla in un'altra vita. Aspetto la reincarnazione .. " ..
Il cinismo l'ho ereditato da lui.
Domenica pomeriggio.
Una mia amica: " Anto, forse il tuo problema con gli uomini è che hai un carattere troppo forte .. "
Io: " Forse, il problema che gli uomini hanno con me, è che io ho un carattere .. " ..
L'amica è was immediately downgraded to "constructive knowledge".
Emilio Fede: "A civilized people, as we are, should lead these students."
Thus spoke one of the lackeys of Berlusconi and the shame of Italian journalism. Along with dignity, he must have lost the ability to differentiate between what is civil and what is not is.
It 's true that the mother of idiots is always pregnant.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Fresh Wedding Flower Comment
Obbligo di esposizione delle Tabelle alcolemiche: i dati sono corretti?
Da oggi tutti gli esercizi commerciali che somministrano alcolici, tranne alcune eccezioni, sono obbligati per legge a esporre le tabelle alcolemiche.
Dopo averci dato un'occhiata mi è sorto un dubbio: siamo sicuri che i dati riportati siano corretti?
Non parlo di quella che elenca le simtomatologie relative ai vari blood alcohol levels in the blood, how much of that most basic and that is that the amount of alcohol present in various beverages.
According to that table I could drink a gin 40cc to 60 degrees and the same of a liquor at 35 degrees without exceeding the legal limits. So give me a glass of vodka and one of brandy and then I go for a ride to the sea, everything, I forgot to say, on an empty stomach!
But who has compiled these tables? A seller of alcoholic beverages? Or coffins? If
drank so much alcohol on an empty stomach would not be able to stand, let alone bring a car. It takes nothing away to my comments on the tables that you speak di stime!
Allora io stimo che due bottiglie di Centerbe alle otto la mattina portino il mio tasso alcolemico a 0.01! Ma siamo seri almeno per quanto riguarda la salute e la spesa sociale!
Le persone non prestano attenzione alla salute propria e a quella altrui e si mettono alla guida sotto l'influenza di sostanze che ne intaccano l'apparato neurologico; figuriamoci uno sprovveduto che si fida delle indicazioni, emesse dai ministeri del Lavoro, della Salute e delle Politiche Sociali , e si tiene sotto la soglia indicata.
Come minimo arriva a una alcolemia di 1.00 altro che 0.50!
Quando uscite e andate a divertirvi in compagnia o da soli, ricordatevi che in quei momenti, non siete in grado di valutare your physical or mental condition. Do not drink (too much) and if you do not want to risk using a personal alcohol test or what, under the same legislation, the premises must be made available to customers! He demanded to take the test!
patrons you, never loose!
Ingrandisci |
Dopo averci dato un'occhiata mi è sorto un dubbio: siamo sicuri che i dati riportati siano corretti?
Non parlo di quella che elenca le simtomatologie relative ai vari blood alcohol levels in the blood, how much of that most basic and that is that the amount of alcohol present in various beverages.
According to that table I could drink a gin 40cc to 60 degrees and the same of a liquor at 35 degrees without exceeding the legal limits. So give me a glass of vodka and one of brandy and then I go for a ride to the sea, everything, I forgot to say, on an empty stomach!
But who has compiled these tables? A seller of alcoholic beverages? Or coffins? If
drank so much alcohol on an empty stomach would not be able to stand, let alone bring a car. It takes nothing away to my comments on the tables that you speak di stime!
Allora io stimo che due bottiglie di Centerbe alle otto la mattina portino il mio tasso alcolemico a 0.01! Ma siamo seri almeno per quanto riguarda la salute e la spesa sociale!
Le persone non prestano attenzione alla salute propria e a quella altrui e si mettono alla guida sotto l'influenza di sostanze che ne intaccano l'apparato neurologico; figuriamoci uno sprovveduto che si fida delle indicazioni, emesse dai ministeri del Lavoro, della Salute e delle Politiche Sociali , e si tiene sotto la soglia indicata.
Come minimo arriva a una alcolemia di 1.00 altro che 0.50!
Quando uscite e andate a divertirvi in compagnia o da soli, ricordatevi che in quei momenti, non siete in grado di valutare your physical or mental condition. Do not drink (too much) and if you do not want to risk using a personal alcohol test or what, under the same legislation, the premises must be made available to customers! He demanded to take the test!
patrons you, never loose!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Mercrury 150 Prop Guard
Buona notte.
Who, tonight, will not be able to sleep. Who, however, sleep like a log.
Who will sleep well. Who wants his dreams of milk and honey.
Who will count the sheep. Those who prefer the stars. Who
canticchierà a lullaby. A black man who saw him in the face.
Who, "Mommy tell me a story?". Who: "The stories are things for adults."
Who will love. Who will cover the pillow
Who chooses the dark. Who, however, will be light.
Who will sleep in comfort. Who wants to be tomorrow.
Who, tonight, will not be able to sleep. Who, however, sleep like a log.
Who will sleep well. Who wants his dreams of milk and honey.
Who will count the sheep. Those who prefer the stars. Who
canticchierà a lullaby. A black man who saw him in the face.
Who, "Mommy tell me a story?". Who: "The stories are things for adults."
Who will love. Who will cover the pillow
Who chooses the dark. Who, however, will be light.
Who will sleep in comfort. Who wants to be tomorrow.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Clear Urine In Pancreatitis
Polemiche inutili e censura preventiva
In recent days, perhaps to gloss over other subjects, there was a lot of talk about which songs to play during the evening in memory of the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy, the papal state continues to exist until 1870 and became the capital Rome the following year.
The choice to play Hello Beautiful Youth and someone appeared dangerous, perhaps because they remember the historical facts, it is to be condemned to repeat it, this thing that some notorious famous people would not mind at all. Unfortunately, few know that
Hello Bella was born as a song of Mondine Youth and collegiate was a song. Personally I find both quite beautiful and of great historical and cultural value.
not that Fascism denies that things are improving. In those years there were the Italians who believed in an idea and others in the opposite direction. These are things that have happened and will happen again. The mistakes, the atrocities and killings, there were on all sides. When you stop speaking and speaking are the weapons, no one reason. Citing the good doctor
Hello Beautiful
PS: The order in which they are mentioned and / or hold up the two songs is purely coincidental.
In recent days, perhaps to gloss over other subjects, there was a lot of talk about which songs to play during the evening in memory of the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy, the papal state continues to exist until 1870 and became the capital Rome the following year.
The choice to play Hello Beautiful Youth and someone appeared dangerous, perhaps because they remember the historical facts, it is to be condemned to repeat it, this thing that some notorious
Hello Bella was born as a song of Mondine Youth and collegiate was a song. Personally I find both quite beautiful and of great historical and cultural value.
not that Fascism denies that things are improving. In those years there were the Italians who believed in an idea and others in the opposite direction. These are things that have happened and will happen again. The mistakes, the atrocities and killings, there were on all sides. When you stop speaking and speaking are the weapons, no one reason. Citing the good doctor
" Violence is the last refuge of incompetents! "then I would do in this space, what others have not had the courage or the foresight to do, you hear these two songs that, for better or for worse, are part of our history.
Hello Beautiful
PS: The order in which they are mentioned and / or hold up the two songs is purely coincidental.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Play Pokemon Silver Version
Ricordo dell'alluvione
Today is the anniversary of ' Florence flood of November 4, 1966.
have passed many years and much water under the bridge, but if you experience the same weather conditions today, all would again, as evidenced by the various floods of recent years took place in Tuscany.
Not to forget what happened yesterday and unfortunately could happen today.
Today is the anniversary of ' Florence flood of November 4, 1966.
have passed many years and much water under the bridge, but if you experience the same weather conditions today, all would again, as evidenced by the various floods of recent years took place in Tuscany.
Not to forget what happened yesterday and unfortunately could happen today.
Birthday For 42 Year Old Wife
Oggi, vi racconto una storia.
was a beautiful day, the day you were born.
Your eyes rested on the World to the first time. Eyes large, curious, sweet. Have you seen
succession birthdays, and candles. And, for each candle, a desire to express.
There have been games. The caresses of their grandparents. The laughter with friends.
There were happy days. Days to grow. Days to live.
There have been days to go wrong. And day to look forward. Days of things to learn. Days of things not to despise.
There were days when to be strong. Days to apologize. Days in which to stop. Days to win.
When You were born, I understood what it meant to love someone with a love strong, powerful, domineering. A visceral love. An inescapable love. Immeasurable love.
When you were born, I understood what it meant to love someone more than yourself.
"... you'll always have the wind in their sails. The sun upon your face. The winds of fate makes you fly high, to dance with the stars" ...
Greetings my brother ... Beautiful 18.

was a beautiful day, the day you were born.
Your eyes rested on the World to the first time. Eyes large, curious, sweet. Have you seen
succession birthdays, and candles. And, for each candle, a desire to express.
There have been games. The caresses of their grandparents. The laughter with friends.
There were happy days. Days to grow. Days to live.
There have been days to go wrong. And day to look forward. Days of things to learn. Days of things not to despise.
There were days when to be strong. Days to apologize. Days in which to stop. Days to win.
When You were born, I understood what it meant to love someone with a love strong, powerful, domineering. A visceral love. An inescapable love. Immeasurable love.
When you were born, I understood what it meant to love someone more than yourself.
"... you'll always have the wind in their sails. The sun upon your face. The winds of fate makes you fly high, to dance with the stars" ...
Greetings my brother ... Beautiful 18.
Monday, October 25, 2010
How Much Does It Cost To Laminate At Staples
Questa è la mia notte prima degli esami.
If you want to go on pilgrimage to the birthplace of our Constitution, go to the partisans in the mountains where they fell, in prisons where they were imprisoned in camps where they were hanged. Wherever an Italian died to redeem the freedom and dignity, go there, or young people, in thought, because there was born our Constitution.
Calamandrei Piero.
are tears and blood of the people that have cemented the foundation walls of the Italian Constitution.
Calamandrei Piero.
When the law becomes poetry.
If you want to go on pilgrimage to the birthplace of our Constitution, go to the partisans in the mountains where they fell, in prisons where they were imprisoned in camps where they were hanged. Wherever an Italian died to redeem the freedom and dignity, go there, or young people, in thought, because there was born our Constitution.
Calamandrei Piero.
are tears and blood of the people that have cemented the foundation walls of the Italian Constitution.
Calamandrei Piero.
When the law becomes poetry.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Bestrechargeable Batteries
... se solo ti accorgessi di me.
I would be your last first date. The reason that pushes you to look for hours, the perfect tie, the perfect shirt, the scent better.
I would be the mind with which you regard the day. The same with which make love at night.
I want to be "the perfect time of waiting impatiently, which is often better than the kiss itself."
I would be a peaceful beginning. And an end is not required.
I would be your last first date. The reason that pushes you to look for hours, the perfect tie, the perfect shirt, the scent better.
I would be the mind with which you regard the day. The same with which make love at night.
I want to be "the perfect time of waiting impatiently, which is often better than the kiss itself."
I would be a peaceful beginning. And an end is not required.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Difference Between Baby Swiss And Swiss Cheese
L'Amore vuole essere aspettato.
... I want to know who, who has invented the shit "when you least expect it."
When you least expect it does not happen a fuck.
When you least expect it there.
There is always something to expect.
waiting for the bus to go to college. And when you're at university, looks to pass quickly the damn hours.
Aspects to be big enough to get my license.
aspects of finding a job. And then you wait to get home from work, hug your children.
wait for the weekend, and a healthy drunk with friends.
aspects balances.
aspects salary.
Wait for the next installment of yet another show that is interrupted at the climax.
aspects of making the super six enalotto.
aspects that Napoli win two to zero against the Roma (and do not wait in vain).
aspects that the wheel turns.
aspects that has closed the door, so I can open the door. Aspects
justice take its course (and wait in vain).
aspects passing sadness.
waits for joy.
Aspects of Love.
is not true that love comes when you least expect it. The 'Love comes when you are ready to receive it, when you do not need to be with no one to be happy when you're in balance with yourself in the company of yourself, and buys far more value then the person with whom you share your life.
We are not meant to be alone. We were created to be two people. We are fragile fragments of soul. Small, microscopic pieces of an ancient mirror that reflects only half.
look the perfect fit. And pass the time with endless imperfect joints.
There is always something to wait.

... I want to know who, who has invented the shit "when you least expect it."
When you least expect it does not happen a fuck.
When you least expect it there.
There is always something to expect.
waiting for the bus to go to college. And when you're at university, looks to pass quickly the damn hours.
Aspects to be big enough to get my license.
aspects of finding a job. And then you wait to get home from work, hug your children.
wait for the weekend, and a healthy drunk with friends.
aspects balances.
aspects salary.
Wait for the next installment of yet another show that is interrupted at the climax.
aspects of making the super six enalotto.
aspects that Napoli win two to zero against the Roma (and do not wait in vain).
aspects that the wheel turns.
aspects that has closed the door, so I can open the door. Aspects
justice take its course (and wait in vain).
aspects passing sadness.
waits for joy.
Aspects of Love.
is not true that love comes when you least expect it. The 'Love comes when you are ready to receive it, when you do not need to be with no one to be happy when you're in balance with yourself in the company of yourself, and buys far more value then the person with whom you share your life.
We are not meant to be alone. We were created to be two people. We are fragile fragments of soul. Small, microscopic pieces of an ancient mirror that reflects only half.
look the perfect fit. And pass the time with endless imperfect joints.
There is always something to wait.
I Need An Apartment Letter
La creazione
I recently heard a good story - I love telling it - di una ragazzina durante una lezione di disegno.
Aveva sei anni, era seduta in fondo e disegnava.
L'insegnante diceva che questa ragazzina di solito non stava attenta, ma in questa lezione invece sì. L'insegnante era affascinata, andò da lei e le chiese: «Che cosa stai disegnando?».
La ragazzina rispose: «Sto disegnando Dio».
«Ma nessuno sa che aspetto abbia», rispose l'insegnante.
E la ragazzina: «Lo sapranno fra qualche minuto».
Raccontata da Sir Ken Robinson qui:
I recently heard a good story - I love telling it - di una ragazzina durante una lezione di disegno.
Aveva sei anni, era seduta in fondo e disegnava.
L'insegnante diceva che questa ragazzina di solito non stava attenta, ma in questa lezione invece sì. L'insegnante era affascinata, andò da lei e le chiese: «Che cosa stai disegnando?».
La ragazzina rispose: «Sto disegnando Dio».
«Ma nessuno sa che aspetto abbia», rispose l'insegnante.
E la ragazzina: «Lo sapranno fra qualche minuto».
Raccontata da Sir Ken Robinson qui:
(attivatevi subtitles)
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Where Can I Find A Wwe Shower Curtain
Momenti di buffa quotidianità.
Sunday afternoon.
My mother: "Anto, but why do not you engaged? Do not have any guy who flirts with you?"
Me: "No, Mom. The problem is this. I have too many guys to woo me. And more I woo them, the more I learn this. More than I know them, the more I realize what assholes know how to be men ... and then pass me the desire to get engaged ...
Monday afternoon.
The child of eight years, which I am after school: "Anto, what does open relationship?"
Me: "Ummmm ... ... ehmmmm means that an asshole is simultaneously with more bullshit. Or vice versa ...
same child, "Anto, there are some ladies that make the stomach without being married" ...
Me: "Oo be fattened"
Sunday afternoon.
My mother: "Anto, but why do not you engaged? Do not have any guy who flirts with you?"
Me: "No, Mom. The problem is this. I have too many guys to woo me. And more I woo them, the more I learn this. More than I know them, the more I realize what assholes know how to be men ... and then pass me the desire to get engaged ...
Monday afternoon.
The child of eight years, which I am after school: "Anto, what does open relationship?"
Me: "Ummmm ... ... ehmmmm means that an asshole is simultaneously with more bullshit. Or vice versa ...
same child, "Anto, there are some ladies that make the stomach without being married" ...
Me: "Oo be fattened"
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Vitamin E Vs. Mederma For Scars
had only to sit quiet at the beginning and What Country would not have grossed more than $ 15.
You could let it go, as do those who in these cases show a minimum sense of humor, and wait (3 days at most) that everyone forgets.
But the matter ended up in the hands of the Minister Brambilla, whose position (raise the Italian tourism and other business flaccid) does not seem to be so burdensome as to avoid the time needed to throw the advocacy was insignificant against a software house Belarus.
It follows therefore that despite the additional publicity in the presence of the Mafia in Italy and the bad light that is cast upon us for this operation legal bullying at the expense of the poor Apalone four (the company who wrote the app), someone thought to be worth really worth it to pursue the lawsuit.
Yum Yumm! Already anticipate the avalanche of billions that this multinational software will be able to pour into state coffers.
Too bad the app in question is admittedly a joke and that the data cited are true about the mafia.
It only remains to hope for a judge willing to overlook the right of satire and eager to convict someone for defamation on the basis of affermazioni arcinote (magari non lo sapete, ma in Italia la mafia c'è davvero) e dati pubblicati su riviste di proprietà del primo ministro in carica .
had only to sit quiet at the beginning and What Country would not have grossed more than $ 15.
You could let it go, as do those who in these cases show a minimum sense of humor, and wait (3 days at most) that everyone forgets.
But the matter ended up in the hands of the Minister Brambilla, whose position (raise the Italian tourism and other business flaccid) does not seem to be so burdensome as to avoid the time needed to throw the advocacy was insignificant against a software house Belarus.
It follows therefore that despite the additional publicity in the presence of the Mafia in Italy and the bad light that is cast upon us for this operation legal bullying at the expense of the poor Apalone four (the company who wrote the app), someone thought to be worth really worth it to pursue the lawsuit.
Yum Yumm! Already anticipate the avalanche of billions that this multinational software will be able to pour into state coffers.
Too bad the app in question is admittedly a joke and that the data cited are true about the mafia.
It only remains to hope for a judge willing to overlook the right of satire and eager to convict someone for defamation on the basis of affermazioni arcinote (magari non lo sapete, ma in Italia la mafia c'è davvero) e dati pubblicati su riviste di proprietà del primo ministro in carica .
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Best Place To Buy Packing Supplies
La principale categoria di individui da evitare nella maniera più assoluta sono "gli incomprensibili": quelli che parlano senza farsi capire.
Non mi riferisco a persone (scienziati, ingegneri, sindacalisti, etc.) che nel loro ambiente usano necessari termini tecnici e che quindi risultano incomprensibili ai più, quanto rather to those (CEOs, teachers, trade unionists, etc..) wishing to / should give appropriate explanations about their work or what they mean / want them but they do through words or reasoning unnecessarily complicated.
stated, I speak of "do understand" and not "teach." To teach the technical terminology (if introduced properly) is absolutely necessary. To make it clear, however, just a lot less.
If a driving instructor can make people understand the functioning of the "change-differential" to a seventeen year old emo, it is logical to assume that everything that is real can be explained in terms understandable to anyone.
Obviously, no one will ever earn a degree in physics after reading two Paul Davies books and emo will never design a differential but this is where the fun between understanding and learning.
No one wants a degree in economics before signing a mortgage, but everyone should have the right to understand how the mortgage that they are signing the employment contract they are signing or the surgery that you are submitting.
Why, then, do not trust the incomprehensible? Is explained by Einstein
and a person who does not understand something should not be in a position of having to explain it to someone ' more.
There is also an aggravating factor. Some categories of incomprehensible not understand what they need to explain why talk about a topic
like religion, horoscopes, homeopathy or the Centuries of Nostradamus.
All content, as emeritus shit, are incomprehensible to the definition because they have nothing to do with the reality of this universe and should make us immediately cast doubt on the sanity of those who insist on treating them like science and philosophy.
why certain things in the right word is "believe" and not "understand".
You should also have an idea why there are science books that can help you understand how electromagnetism works or what an antiproton, but no theological popular book can provide a shred of explanation about why God should exist.
But if the latter category of charlatans is partially justified because sometimes give vent to his mouth in good faith dictated their ignorance (or dementia), it is not that of
crap that is, those that despite being aware of being in the wrong (producers of the bracelet, "Power Balance", Vittorio Sgarbi, trade unionists, etc..) seek to earn the right to force disorienting the audience with words deliberately garbled or non-capibili immediately.
are people who thrive in environments of deception and financial advice but it fits just as well in politics and in corporate hierarchies.
They range from the most innocuous subjects that put foreign words in their speeches instead of fees in the local language because, they say, "better express the meaning", or experts who can even invent words to almost credible on the fly in their intellectual sbirigude worthy of the best Kaiser Soze.
you understand where I wanted to get there? No. ..?
I'll explain: Last night I reflected on the fact that I would very much like Luttazzi furnish a valid reason on the reasons which led to "scale" jokes of others. But I want it to do so without using terms such as' allomorphs topological "," arch-isotopy " and "allotopico" (if only because "allomorphs" and "allotopico not exist on my dictionary Garzanti).
If Davies can explain quantum physics without hiding behind a technical dictionary, explaining the basic principles of comedy to my grandmother should be a nonsense to nothing.
![]() | |
Fig.1 - foto con cose tecniche | |
Non mi riferisco a persone (scienziati, ingegneri, sindacalisti, etc.) che nel loro ambiente usano necessari termini tecnici e che quindi risultano incomprensibili ai più, quanto rather to those (CEOs, teachers, trade unionists, etc..) wishing to / should give appropriate explanations about their work or what they mean / want them but they do through words or reasoning unnecessarily complicated.
stated, I speak of "do understand" and not "teach." To teach the technical terminology (if introduced properly) is absolutely necessary. To make it clear, however, just a lot less.
If a driving instructor can make people understand the functioning of the "change-differential" to a seventeen year old emo, it is logical to assume that everything that is real can be explained in terms understandable to anyone.
"You do not really understand something
until you are able to explain to your grandmother."- Albert Einstein
Obviously, no one will ever earn a degree in physics after reading two Paul Davies books and emo will never design a differential but this is where the fun between understanding and learning.
Why, then, do not trust the incomprehensible? Is explained by Einstein
and a person who does not understand something should not be in a position of having to explain it to someone ' more.
"Science, it works, bitches!"- xkcd
There is also an aggravating factor. Some categories of incomprehensible not understand what they need to explain why talk about a topic
like religion, horoscopes, homeopathy or the Centuries of Nostradamus.
All content, as emeritus shit, are incomprehensible to the definition because they have nothing to do with the reality of this universe and should make us immediately cast doubt on the sanity of those who insist on treating them like science and philosophy.
why certain things in the right word is "believe" and not "understand".
You should also have an idea why there are science books that can help you understand how electromagnetism works or what an antiproton, but no theological popular book can provide a shred of explanation about why God should exist.
But if the latter category of charlatans is partially justified because sometimes give vent to his mouth in good faith dictated their ignorance (or dementia), it is not that of
crap that is, those that despite being aware of being in the wrong (producers of the bracelet, "Power Balance", Vittorio Sgarbi, trade unionists, etc..) seek to earn the right to force disorienting the audience with words deliberately garbled or non-capibili immediately.
are people who thrive in environments of deception and financial advice but it fits just as well in politics and in corporate hierarchies.
They range from the most innocuous subjects that put foreign words in their speeches instead of fees in the local language because, they say, "better express the meaning", or experts who can even invent words to almost credible on the fly in their intellectual sbirigude worthy of the best Kaiser Soze.
you understand where I wanted to get there? No. ..?
I'll explain: Last night I reflected on the fact that I would very much like Luttazzi furnish a valid reason on the reasons which led to "scale" jokes of others. But I want it to do so without using terms such as' allomorphs topological "," arch-isotopy " and "allotopico" (if only because "allomorphs" and "allotopico not exist on my dictionary Garzanti).
If Davies can explain quantum physics without hiding behind a technical dictionary, explaining the basic principles of comedy to my grandmother should be a nonsense to nothing.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Old Type Answering Machings
Sono partito...
... and I will not stop until they will come to you.
... and I will not stop until they will come to you.
For others see you in October.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Truman Capote's Purpose In Writing In Cold Blood
Ero chiuso in un angolo...
.. and I was not expecting anything but an attack by those who would come.
Then, as if in jest, referring to the ancient Romans, of madness and wells, as wives and mesh miles, you managed to break through defenses that I thought impenetrable.
Sometimes these are once again stand as Barad-dur, but the light of the Star of Earendil always manages to penetrate the massive walls and defeat the 'Dark Lord that dwells within me.
Thanks to have done and continue doing so, Honey
.. and I was not expecting anything but an attack by those who would come.
Then, as if in jest, referring to the ancient Romans, of madness and wells, as wives and mesh miles, you managed to break through defenses that I thought impenetrable.
Sometimes these are once again stand as Barad-dur, but the light of the Star of Earendil always manages to penetrate the massive walls and defeat the 'Dark Lord that dwells within me.
Thanks to have done and continue doing so, Honey
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Questionnaire Fast Food
Del perché la Microsoft fa SCHIFO
This below is a video of Microsoft Research which is briefly demonstrated the superiority of the mouse buttons, compared to a mouse multitouch ...
just happened ... and the only producer of commercially active in mouse multitouch, at this time is Apple competitor, that is, the same company with the Macintosh in 1984 brought the mouse "traditional" in the consumer market.
But let the point, because this movie is bullshit? For a lot of reasons:
Of course, maybe that's why I continue to use a mouse Trust bought all'IperCoop the last century.
This below is a video of Microsoft Research which is briefly demonstrated the superiority of the mouse buttons, compared to a mouse multitouch ...
just happened ... and the only producer of commercially active in mouse multitouch, at this time is Apple competitor, that is, the same company with the Macintosh in 1984 brought the mouse "traditional" in the consumer market.
But let the point, because this movie is bullshit? For a lot of reasons:
- The mouse buttons is a proven technology for decades, while Apple is now shipping the first multi-touch mouse for less than a year.
It is as if in 1903 the U.S. railroads had lost time to show that travel on their trains would have been infinitely more comfortable and secure rather than on board a "flyer" of the Wright brothers. - A mouse multitouch, however uncomfortable it may seem, has no moving parts (keys and rollers) and moving parts that contain mechanisms subject to breakage. Less breakage means more people happy and less warranty work, that is, a lot of money.
- A research center, the name says it all, should "do research" in order to benefit from new technologies and avoid wasting resources, to demolish the ideas of others just because they can develop just as valid.
- Mouse Apple's multitouch Fichissima objectively and movies like that, rather than shedding light on the flaws, they seem to say "we are gnawing at Microsoft."
Of course, maybe that's why I continue to use a mouse Trust bought all'IperCoop the last century.
Friday, August 27, 2010
What To Say On The Arrival Of Anew Baby
cani e LOLgatti
The usual site of huge stupid, today I found this nice (!) Animation that has made a resurgence reasoning that I had done long ago.
It is a fact that the smartest of cats can never even aspire to one tenth of the intelligence that you can find in the latest of the dogs (except for yorkshire that instead of brain have a chestnut of tennis).
Well, now that the lovers of cats and Yorkshire have removed the blog from my bookmarks and favorite canceled feeds let the point, because, being a counterpoint to the dogma is listed above a daunting paradox:
if a dog and a cat are for some reason to share the same environment, in 99% of cases the dog will be on time to make the figure of the fool.
sad thing interesting is that this dynamic occurs continuously even between humans. Arthur Bloch writes in one of his books: " 1st law of debate: do not ever argue with an idiot, people might not notice the difference " but that "could", put there just to give rhythm to the comic phrase , is completely unnecessary.
Any discussion invariably rushes up to lower the level of stupidity of the most stupid of the participants and you can easily check to a meeting of any building or watching a movie on Youtube Sgarbi.
Sgarbi When discussing with a chestnut of Pong, the level of debate falls to the level of Sgarbi.
Why does it happen? Why the idiot does not succumb under the weight of arguments systematically higher? Boh, we can not know. We can only try to avoid contact and console ourselves with the remaining 1% of cases: when the dog sclera and tearing apart the cat.
The usual site of huge stupid, today I found this nice (!) Animation that has made a resurgence reasoning that I had done long ago.
It is a fact that the smartest of cats can never even aspire to one tenth of the intelligence that you can find in the latest of the dogs (except for yorkshire that instead of brain have a chestnut of tennis).
Well, now that the lovers of cats and Yorkshire have removed the blog from my bookmarks and favorite canceled feeds let the point, because, being a counterpoint to the dogma is listed above a daunting paradox:
if a dog and a cat are for some reason to share the same environment, in 99% of cases the dog will be on time to make the figure of the fool.
sad thing interesting is that this dynamic occurs continuously even between humans. Arthur Bloch writes in one of his books: " 1st law of debate: do not ever argue with an idiot, people might not notice the difference " but that "could", put there just to give rhythm to the comic phrase , is completely unnecessary.
Any discussion invariably rushes up to lower the level of stupidity of the most stupid of the participants and you can easily check to a meeting of any building or watching a movie on Youtube Sgarbi.
Sgarbi When discussing with a chestnut of Pong, the level of debate falls to the level of Sgarbi.
Why does it happen? Why the idiot does not succumb under the weight of arguments systematically higher? Boh, we can not know. We can only try to avoid contact and console ourselves with the remaining 1% of cases: when the dog sclera and tearing apart the cat.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Whiplash Kidney Stone
Uchuu senkan Yamato: Fukkatsu-hen
I hope it's because I was out from around the fans of Anime and Manga, but in recent months I have not seen a line of writing on the back of the Yamato after so many years.
today by accident, I read that Uchuu Senkan Yamato: Fukkatsu-hen in the Japanese version was released on DVD and Blu-Ray. We hope that the Italian version, or at least the English (ok I can live with subtitles) see the light as soon as possible.
For now console ourselves with a couple of excerpts: The start of the Yamato
The first battle
I hope it's because I was out from around the fans of Anime and Manga, but in recent months I have not seen a line of writing on the back of the Yamato after so many years.
today by accident, I read that Uchuu Senkan Yamato: Fukkatsu-hen in the Japanese version was released on DVD and Blu-Ray. We hope that the Italian version, or at least the English (ok I can live with subtitles) see the light as soon as possible.
For now console ourselves with a couple of excerpts: The start of the Yamato
The first battle
Friday, August 20, 2010
Latin Phrases To Communicate
120 secondi! (Ovvero, le 10 regole per postare un filmato autoprodotto su Youtube, ottenere milioni di visite e diventare miliardari!)
Stanlei Cubric
(the reggista who invented the cube Cubric)
Photo: Stanlei Cubric |
- Do not exceed 120 seconds. Two minutes are enough for any topic, and you can believe it or not, people have a lot of things to do during the day. If in cosmic
- you have to exceed 120 seconds, however, attempt to not exceed 120 seconds.
- If you use a cellphone to shoot your film take care to stand in a horizontal position so you always get a shot in widescreen.
- Care enlightenment and, when possible (but even when it seems impossible), use a tripod or anything that serves to hold the devilry with which you are filming.
- Come to the point, avoid the frills and just forget greetings and private lives of the outline. Except for your grandmother (who is always happy to see you) to the other can not care less.
- know to use a titler and many special effects? Great! You are a perfect fit for marriage at the archive "Photography Services and Wedding List F.lli Lamarra" on Youtube, but avoid it like death.
- If you do not know where to begin assembling the movie this way: the first 60 seconds to say or show the real reason for your movie, the remaining 45 needed to outline and explanation of the last 15 for the ending theme, and thanks .
- Your creativity can not be strangled by the grip of the 120 / 2? Enter a nice link to a blog post where you can attach what you want: an explanation, tutorial, blooper, making-of footage and rough outline long as sewer rats.
- Did you follow my advice but the number of visits does not improve the way you want? Do not give up, having chosen the right path is just the first step to outperform the fierce competition!
- I've already said to be under 120 seconds? "Keeping up the below" means that if something is unnecessary to be cut without mercy, not necessarily that we should stop at 119 "and 90 cents. If you can further reduce the time people who want to link to your movie increase.
Stanlei Cubric
(the reggista who invented the cube Cubric)
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Themes Monster Energy Iphone
Ancora un anno.
Another year has passed! One year
maybe not happy and peaceful as that which preceded it, but still worthy of being lived. How many things happen in a year, a thousand more or less interesting facts follow in ongi moment and everything goes like the wind among the branches of willows.
Perhaps it would be to sing the song deputed to celebrate this day, but it's not that much in tune, maybe you should write poetry or adorn their hair with wreaths of flowers and berries, but we are not in the ancient world. How many
what you can do before tomorrow comes. In my little I just thought, but often the light is refracted with multiple colors and reflections in the small prism Amber and large windows.
Another year has passed! One year
maybe not happy and peaceful as that which preceded it, but still worthy of being lived. How many things happen in a year, a thousand more or less interesting facts follow in ongi moment and everything goes like the wind among the branches of willows.
Perhaps it would be to sing the song deputed to celebrate this day, but it's not that much in tune, maybe you should write poetry or adorn their hair with wreaths of flowers and berries, but we are not in the ancient world. How many
what you can do before tomorrow comes. In my little I just thought, but often the light is refracted with multiple colors and reflections in the small prism Amber and large windows.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Lascia o Raddoppia
"I gave the new Brambilla a goal to double over the next four years, the incidence of the sector to GDP is now 11% "
Well, since they managed to sink the remaining 89%, I would say that the target could be hit with a lot in advance.
"I gave the new Brambilla a goal to double over the next four years, the incidence of the sector to GDP is now 11% "
Well, since they managed to sink the remaining 89%, I would say that the target could be hit with a lot in advance.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
What Is Neuromusculoskeletal
Nucleare? Adesso no, grazie!
I've always been in favor of nuclear energy.
Although still small, I remember the oil crisis of the seventies with Sunday walk and recommendations for energy efficiency. Presumably it is then that I gained the opinion, even in my small way, encourage the use of energy sources other than oil and coal and a slight dislike of the sheiks who walk on the lakes of oil.
The basic choice was to support the development of nuclear energy. Enough with the whims of those who will provide oil and gas, now at 10, tomorrow at 1000! As I was annoyed at not having reached the age of majority at the referendum of 1987 , with which a mass of backward Italy condemned to a future of subjection energy, energy that then buy from countries that produce it due to nuclear power.
I still eyes the scene I did in my High School science teacher, when he claimed to have voted!
Just for the record, if one of the French nuclear power plants you experience an event like that of Chernobyl
', what would change for the Italian national different if you happen to Montalto di Castro or somewhere else? The immediate management of the problem would be borne by our cousins, but if you remember everything that happened then this would be the least of the problems.
All the water (cooling) is passed under the bridge, but my idea of \u200b\u200blooking for alternatives to oil, gas and Similar is still rooted. But there is a but in the meantime some forms of alternative energy have become cheaper, especially photovoltaics. In a broad sense this is still nuclear power, but the maintenance cost is imposed on other shoulders, in this case the Universe.
The installation costs and energy efficiency have been the first decrease, increasing the latter: Whereas a system should pay off in 4 / 7 years and the useful life of 20/30 years depending on the type of cells, the degree of insolation and the position of the panel is there to be quite happy. Obviously, if the energy we use is of a higher order than that which succeeded in there will not produce big savings in the bill, but globally.
now explains my Not now, thanks! The because it has already been explained, but the gist is that It's too late! Over the years 80/90 nuclear was the future, now it's just a non-renewable sources like the others. Unfortunately, Italy is a country where the news comes with decades of delay and where the important things is to know about a showgirl drugs present SanScemo!
I've always been in favor of nuclear energy.
Although still small, I remember the oil crisis of the seventies with Sunday walk and recommendations for energy efficiency. Presumably it is then that I gained the opinion, even in my small way, encourage the use of energy sources other than oil and coal and a slight dislike of the sheiks who walk on the lakes of oil.
The basic choice was to support the development of nuclear energy. Enough with the whims of those who will provide oil and gas, now at 10, tomorrow at 1000! As I was annoyed at not having reached the age of majority at the referendum of 1987 , with which a mass of backward Italy condemned to a future of subjection energy, energy that then buy from countries that produce it due to nuclear power.
I still eyes the scene I did in my High School science teacher, when he claimed to have voted!
Just for the record, if one of the French nuclear power plants you experience an event like that of Chernobyl
', what would change for the Italian national different if you happen to Montalto di Castro or somewhere else? The immediate management of the problem would be borne by our cousins, but if you remember everything that happened then this would be the least of the problems.
All the water (cooling) is passed under the bridge, but my idea of \u200b\u200blooking for alternatives to oil, gas and Similar is still rooted. But there is a but in the meantime some forms of alternative energy have become cheaper, especially photovoltaics. In a broad sense this is still nuclear power, but the maintenance cost is imposed on other shoulders, in this case the Universe.
The installation costs and energy efficiency have been the first decrease, increasing the latter: Whereas a system should pay off in 4 / 7 years and the useful life of 20/30 years depending on the type of cells, the degree of insolation and the position of the panel is there to be quite happy. Obviously, if the energy we use is of a higher order than that which succeeded in there will not produce big savings in the bill, but globally.
now explains my Not now, thanks! The because it has already been explained, but the gist is that It's too late! Over the years 80/90 nuclear was the future, now it's just a non-renewable sources like the others. Unfortunately, Italy is a country where the news comes with decades of delay and where the important things is to know about a showgirl drugs present SanScemo!
Monday, August 2, 2010
How Long Does It Take A Heart To Become Enlarged?
Potevo essere anche io su quella lapide
Sometimes life goes on or off by accident, by coincidence or, for those who believe, for God's plan not like to talk about these facts, but today, the anniversary date will effort. That
August 2, 1980 I also had to be there in Bologna, Florence, Piacenza transit to go to the mountains by the grandparents of my best friend. I already had a seat reservation in hand, bought the week before by my father. I traveled alone on the train for the first time both families had agreed in a relay even withdrawal of the delivery had been a parcel.
Without warning, my father had two days off and decided to accompany me in the car. E 'credit for this chain of events, if you can read this my rambling. Since I left Florence in the early morning (8:30 / 9:00) I was in Bologna in those moments that have broken the lives of many people, and I am not referring only to those who died.
After so many years we do not know who thought, he organized and executed one of the most brutal attacks in Italian history. Among false leads, process driven, surveys that now bear on one side, now the other hand, Bologna and throughout Italy honest with you, do not forget those people, victims of a society that does not respect those who are not colluding, it is not an actor or a starlet. Indeed it was (deliberately lowercase) will be represented only by the Prefect, because someone is afraid of being cast at the reality: that there is someone who will not stop until the truth is revealed. These
poche, forse inutili righe sono dedicate alla memoria di coloro che, in una giornata di inizio ferie, videro la loro vita dilaniata dall'esplosione di una bomba.
Sometimes life goes on or off by accident, by coincidence or, for those who believe, for God's plan not like to talk about these facts, but today, the anniversary date will effort. That
August 2, 1980 I also had to be there in Bologna, Florence, Piacenza transit to go to the mountains by the grandparents of my best friend. I already had a seat reservation in hand, bought the week before by my father. I traveled alone on the train for the first time both families had agreed in a relay even withdrawal of the delivery had been a parcel.
Without warning, my father had two days off and decided to accompany me in the car. E 'credit for this chain of events, if you can read this my rambling. Since I left Florence in the early morning (8:30 / 9:00) I was in Bologna in those moments that have broken the lives of many people, and I am not referring only to those who died.
After so many years we do not know who thought, he organized and executed one of the most brutal attacks in Italian history. Among false leads, process driven, surveys that now bear on one side, now the other hand, Bologna and throughout Italy honest with you, do not forget those people, victims of a society that does not respect those who are not colluding, it is not an actor or a starlet. Indeed it was (deliberately lowercase) will be represented only by the Prefect, because someone is afraid of being cast at the reality: that there is someone who will not stop until the truth is revealed. These
poche, forse inutili righe sono dedicate alla memoria di coloro che, in una giornata di inizio ferie, videro la loro vita dilaniata dall'esplosione di una bomba.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Coleman Evcon Service
Il principe...
Dear Prince Taishi Shōtoku , so good, so smart, you already knew that six years riding, you could listen to ten people simultaneously and has sent delegations to China to import characters, architecture , Buddhism and ornaments; tell me one thing, how you're made of genius is fame?
say No, the Japanese have many defects but not to be a language very polyphonic. He has 9 consonants and 5 vowels, would be enough to get there one afternoon and created 14 symbols. There just needs to import a system of writing at that time there were already 20 thousand characters?
Paradoxically, although they were invented for anything, with Latin characters could write all the Japanese literature. While writing in Japanese, currently uses four different writing systems: kanji, katakana, hiragana e. .. Latin characters (for the abbreviations, the acronyms, etc.).. Five if we also Arabic numerals, because true wizards have imported the only set of characters that between 20 thousand symbols had ZERO.
Ok, maybe not invent an alphabet is the most trivial.
Have you tried using the ' hiragana and you have managed to mess up further by pulling out all 46 other symbols. 46 symbols for a language with only 9 consonants. I have no words, well done!
Symbols which also do not have the slightest aesthetic and logical link between them. Let the syllables な (na), に (ni) ぬ (nu) ね (ne) の (no). It would be nice to draw them in such a way that you would have guessed that all five begin with the same consonant or at least be associated with their voice: あ (a), い (i), う (u), え (e) お (o). Nah, not even talking about it.
with other consonants, of course, the speech does not improve.
However, ね (ne) is almost equal to わ (wa) and ぬ (nu) appears to be the twin brother of め (me). Then if we put that in writing わ (wa), in most cases we use the character は (ha), that the syllable を (wo) but there is always pronounced "or" お as the vowel (or ) and to lengthen the syllables in "or" we prefer to use う (u), the picture is complete.
Maybe the guy who invented the hiragana was also constantly surrounded by 10 people who spoke at the same time and in those occasions it is obvious that logic and creativity are affected.
But it was then the main problem of the Japanese alphabet? I think not. In the mid-
Japanese adjectives (those い (i)) can be declined as if they were verbs, the other half did not.
We then talk about the verbal inflections? Not all of course, because otherwise we do at night. The shape
TAI example. What turns a desidrio action to take that action and that, consequently, verbs like dumb KAKIMASU (scrivo/scrivere) in KAKI TAI (voglio scrivere). Serviva?
C'era già l'aggettivo HOSHII (si, in giapponese "voglio" è un aggettivo). Perché un aggettivo ed una declinazione per esprimere lo stesso concetto?
A dire il vero la forma TAI non è davvero una declinazione verbale poiché un verbo in TAI può essere ulteriormente declinato... ma come un aggettivo in い(i): KAKITAKATTA(volevo scrivere). Bello vero?
Ma il vero capolavoro di demenza semantica è la declinazione "potenziale", quella che prende un verbo e lo trasforma in un altro verbo che esprime la "possibilità di mettere in pratica quella azione" semplicemente variando una sillaba nella its corresponding ending in "e". In practice, thanks to this brilliant, KAKIMASU (write / write) becomes KA KE MASU (I write).
KAKEMASU is a pity that a word used to express at least five other verbs (and not in their variation potential) or "forward", "damage", "bet", "flying" and "call" (now you know why when he has to do with the Japanese translator of Google become one of the more comic ever written).
Really Taishi, grammar nippon was already complicated her and told friends, is what to import 20 thousand characters (actually levitated between 45 thousand and 50 thousand) was bullshit fotonica.
Dear Prince Taishi Shōtoku , so good, so smart, you already knew that six years riding, you could listen to ten people simultaneously and has sent delegations to China to import characters, architecture , Buddhism and ornaments; tell me one thing, how you're made of genius is fame?
say No, the Japanese have many defects but not to be a language very polyphonic. He has 9 consonants and 5 vowels, would be enough to get there one afternoon and created 14 symbols. There just needs to import a system of writing at that time there were already 20 thousand characters?
Paradoxically, although they were invented for anything, with Latin characters could write all the Japanese literature. While writing in Japanese, currently uses four different writing systems: kanji, katakana, hiragana e. .. Latin characters (for the abbreviations, the acronyms, etc.).. Five if we also Arabic numerals, because true wizards have imported the only set of characters that between 20 thousand symbols had ZERO.
Ok, maybe not invent an alphabet is the most trivial.
Have you tried using the ' hiragana and you have managed to mess up further by pulling out all 46 other symbols. 46 symbols for a language with only 9 consonants. I have no words, well done!
Symbols which also do not have the slightest aesthetic and logical link between them. Let the syllables な (na), に (ni) ぬ (nu) ね (ne) の (no). It would be nice to draw them in such a way that you would have guessed that all five begin with the same consonant or at least be associated with their voice: あ (a), い (i), う (u), え (e) お (o). Nah, not even talking about it.
with other consonants, of course, the speech does not improve.
However, ね (ne) is almost equal to わ (wa) and ぬ (nu) appears to be the twin brother of め (me). Then if we put that in writing わ (wa), in most cases we use the character は (ha), that the syllable を (wo) but there is always pronounced "or" お as the vowel (or ) and to lengthen the syllables in "or" we prefer to use う (u), the picture is complete.
Maybe the guy who invented the hiragana was also constantly surrounded by 10 people who spoke at the same time and in those occasions it is obvious that logic and creativity are affected.
But it was then the main problem of the Japanese alphabet? I think not. In the mid-
Japanese adjectives (those い (i)) can be declined as if they were verbs, the other half did not.
We then talk about the verbal inflections? Not all of course, because otherwise we do at night. The shape
TAI example. What turns a desidrio action to take that action and that, consequently, verbs like dumb KAKIMASU (scrivo/scrivere) in KAKI TAI (voglio scrivere). Serviva?
C'era già l'aggettivo HOSHII (si, in giapponese "voglio" è un aggettivo). Perché un aggettivo ed una declinazione per esprimere lo stesso concetto?
A dire il vero la forma TAI non è davvero una declinazione verbale poiché un verbo in TAI può essere ulteriormente declinato... ma come un aggettivo in い(i): KAKITAKATTA(volevo scrivere). Bello vero?
Ma il vero capolavoro di demenza semantica è la declinazione "potenziale", quella che prende un verbo e lo trasforma in un altro verbo che esprime la "possibilità di mettere in pratica quella azione" semplicemente variando una sillaba nella its corresponding ending in "e". In practice, thanks to this brilliant, KAKIMASU (write / write) becomes KA KE MASU (I write).
KAKEMASU is a pity that a word used to express at least five other verbs (and not in their variation potential) or "forward", "damage", "bet", "flying" and "call" (now you know why when he has to do with the Japanese translator of Google become one of the more comic ever written).
Really Taishi, grammar nippon was already complicated her and told friends, is what to import 20 thousand characters (actually levitated between 45 thousand and 50 thousand) was bullshit fotonica.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Free Cover Letters For Clothing Sales
L'uomo-uomo contro il ragno-ragno.
Oggi pomeriggio, mentre tastavo le ruote della bici meditandone il ripompaggio vedo un ragno appollaiato sul tubo centrale.
Fondamentalmente, io i ragni li schifo e li odio.
Questo è pure un salticida , mica uno di quei ragni che se ne stanno belli pacifici in punta ad un albero e tornano persino utili quando, tessendo e riparando il loro acchiappa-zanzare, ti sottintendono "tempo sereno" per i prossimi tre giorni.
Il salticida non fa tela, ha i peli, sta sempre sulla difensiva e salta fino ad 80 volte la sua lunghezza.
"Bene ragno, mi fai schifo solo a pensarti e probabilmente, in caso di morso, potresti anche procurarmi un bubbone grosso quanto un pompelmo ma oggi mi sento buono. Non voglio esercitare sul tuo fragile corpicino il mio potere di enorme creatura dominante ai vertici della catena alimentare... levati dal cazzo dai...". Provo a soffiarlo via, lui saltella qui e la per un paio di volte e poi decide di restituirmi la proprietà del mezzo tuffandosi sull'asfalto.
Il piccolo stronzo millimetrico, però, mentre osservandomi dal basso e medita se saltarmi in faccia (in teoria può) o filarsela, scorge una formica ad una spanna di distanza ed in un nanosecondo gli salta addosso e se la trangugia.
"Merda", penso, "risparmio la vita ad uno schifosissimo ragno peloso e condanno a morte una innocua e pacifica formica...".
Proprio vero that has enormous power comes great responsibility.
So while I thought about how many assholes in the world for the common good nature, are quietly freed to commit an untold number of atrocities, I have exercised my power to huge creature dominant.
for four hours at this party are the idol of all the wasps in the neighborhood.
Oggi pomeriggio, mentre tastavo le ruote della bici meditandone il ripompaggio vedo un ragno appollaiato sul tubo centrale.
Fondamentalmente, io i ragni li schifo e li odio.
Questo è pure un salticida , mica uno di quei ragni che se ne stanno belli pacifici in punta ad un albero e tornano persino utili quando, tessendo e riparando il loro acchiappa-zanzare, ti sottintendono "tempo sereno" per i prossimi tre giorni.
Il salticida non fa tela, ha i peli, sta sempre sulla difensiva e salta fino ad 80 volte la sua lunghezza.
"Bene ragno, mi fai schifo solo a pensarti e probabilmente, in caso di morso, potresti anche procurarmi un bubbone grosso quanto un pompelmo ma oggi mi sento buono. Non voglio esercitare sul tuo fragile corpicino il mio potere di enorme creatura dominante ai vertici della catena alimentare... levati dal cazzo dai...". Provo a soffiarlo via, lui saltella qui e la per un paio di volte e poi decide di restituirmi la proprietà del mezzo tuffandosi sull'asfalto.
Il piccolo stronzo millimetrico, però, mentre osservandomi dal basso e medita se saltarmi in faccia (in teoria può) o filarsela, scorge una formica ad una spanna di distanza ed in un nanosecondo gli salta addosso e se la trangugia.
"Merda", penso, "risparmio la vita ad uno schifosissimo ragno peloso e condanno a morte una innocua e pacifica formica...".
Proprio vero that has enormous power comes great responsibility.
So while I thought about how many assholes in the world for the common good nature, are quietly freed to commit an untold number of atrocities, I have exercised my power to huge creature dominant.
for four hours at this party are the idol of all the wasps in the neighborhood.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Paper Serviette Folding Ideas
Guadagno, pago, pretendo!
Those who signed the class action against the problems of receiving iPhoneG4 (which at worst is a loss of-20dB and only rarely causes the separation from the network ) are the same people who until now have Windows accenttando safely used the fact that an operating system sold by weight gold could be written with his ass, acting as a magnet for all sorts of viruses and disgraced files with minimal annually.
Those who signed the class action against the problems of receiving iPhoneG4 (which at worst is a loss of-20dB and only rarely causes the separation from the network ) are the same people who until now have Windows accenttando safely used the fact that an operating system sold by weight gold could be written with his ass, acting as a magnet for all sorts of viruses and disgraced files with minimal annually.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
How To Stop Onion Eye Burn
Incontri e scontri
Spesso quando popoli e persone di provenienza diversa si incontrano, si possono scatenare dei grandi contrasti, ma non sempre questi devono essere i prodromi di una disputa di qualche genere. E' anche vero che dispute e incomprensioni di varia natura sono da mettere in preventivo. Sin dall'alba dei tempi si hanno notizie di tali incontri scontri: Roma con Alba Longa, Roma con gli Etruschi, Roma con la Grecia, L'impero romano con l'Oriente e con i popoli barbari provenienti da oltre i confini. Spesso questi contatti/conflitti hanno portato a grandi benefits in later times, such as the occupation of the Iberian Peninsula by the Moors.
Sometimes we forget that the substrate of life and experiences of people and different people will inevitably lead in large and small misunderstandings. Sometimes it is enough to pass the storm and not just everything he makes peace, but both sides will benefit.
Just yesterday I thought about these things and I remembered that there was a small film that made me laugh. Find it was not immediate, since I did not know the name of the protagonist, or the title.
A search on the net led me to rediscover it. The movie Merry Andrew, the original title of the film starring by Danny Kenny, known in Italy as the prince of the Circus, in which the protagonist, to earn the respect of his father and two brothers, Dean and professor emeritus of a collage, goes in search of ancient artifacts. On his way he meets a circus and ends up falling in love (strange) the daughter of the owner and presenter of the circus, of Sicilian origin. The clash is inevitable, but the ending is happy end.
While hating the movie musical, this is one of two or three that I love. In particular always laughed when he arrives this Canson, which serves to celebrate the engagement repairer (no sex, were trapped by a collapse for the night) between the protagonist and his sister, jealous of the three acrobats.
Spesso quando popoli e persone di provenienza diversa si incontrano, si possono scatenare dei grandi contrasti, ma non sempre questi devono essere i prodromi di una disputa di qualche genere. E' anche vero che dispute e incomprensioni di varia natura sono da mettere in preventivo. Sin dall'alba dei tempi si hanno notizie di tali incontri scontri: Roma con Alba Longa, Roma con gli Etruschi, Roma con la Grecia, L'impero romano con l'Oriente e con i popoli barbari provenienti da oltre i confini. Spesso questi contatti/conflitti hanno portato a grandi benefits in later times, such as the occupation of the Iberian Peninsula by the Moors.
Sometimes we forget that the substrate of life and experiences of people and different people will inevitably lead in large and small misunderstandings. Sometimes it is enough to pass the storm and not just everything he makes peace, but both sides will benefit.
Just yesterday I thought about these things and I remembered that there was a small film that made me laugh. Find it was not immediate, since I did not know the name of the protagonist, or the title.
A search on the net led me to rediscover it. The movie Merry Andrew, the original title of the film starring by Danny Kenny, known in Italy as the prince of the Circus, in which the protagonist, to earn the respect of his father and two brothers, Dean and professor emeritus of a collage, goes in search of ancient artifacts. On his way he meets a circus and ends up falling in love (strange) the daughter of the owner and presenter of the circus, of Sicilian origin. The clash is inevitable, but the ending is happy end.
While hating the movie musical, this is one of two or three that I love. In particular always laughed when he arrives this Canson, which serves to celebrate the engagement repairer (no sex, were trapped by a collapse for the night) between the protagonist and his sister, jealous of the three acrobats.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
Alaska Cruise For Vegetarians
Luttazzi Copia (bla bla bla sbrok sbrok)
Hello Daniel,
I wanted to wait for the storm to calm down not to mix this message with all the others, but then I thought: "Oh ... who the hell cares."
that many of the bars of your original footage had not know it for a long time but as Bruce, Carlin, Hicks, Letterman, etc. I was talking all the time I like to consider an explicit invitation to trace the origin of the texts.
Until a few years ago, in fact, except for what was published by Groucho Marx, Woody Allen and Mel Brooks, I was not knowledgeable about comics statunitensi mentre tu mi hai aperto le porte di una galassia dalla quale, ti tanto in tanto, spilucco fette di simpatia e te ne sono immensamente grato.
Con quelli che ti danno del "volgare" non c'ho mai nemmeno discusso (non spreco tempo con i decerebrati che fanno da eco a Bonaiuti) ed a quelli che mi dicono "Luttazzi copia" mi piace rispondere: "Quando tua madre cucina le lasagne che fai? Te le pappi o le dici che è una stronza perché la ricetta non è sua?".
La mia piccola esperienza da sceneggiatore e progettista mi fa vedere copie ovunque ma per non complicarmi troppo la vita mi limito ad ad osservare i risultati. Io so che chi copia può prendere un film come "Nikita" e trasformarlo in una merda tipo "Codename: Nina", or may remove "Signs" and reassemble it in the form of "Slumdog Millionaire", a small caplavoro.
(Yes, I know that there were never realized that "Slumdog Millionaire" and "Signs" are the same movie but do not bother the balls right now I'm writing to Luttazzi. Maybe we'll talk another time.)
I was saying ... in my own way, although the word "topological allomorphs" Gettin severe headaches, I think to distinguish when copy is good and bad but when Daniel, with all due respect, the story of "Trick of Lenny Bruce," the "message out of context "and" KoKomero "that does more to laugh at the" tomato "I think a very large, enormous, stratospheric: kazza !
Yes, KAZ-ZA-TA (pardon the "technicality", but is required).
No really ... it is one thing that Lenny Bruce quotes Aristophanes secretly to avoid jail, another sneak a fart joke on moths. In light of the above trick to admit that Bruce is believable as the good Scajola witness on real estate purchases.
You have taught me that truth is often hidden behind a laugh ... and the truth is that those who today will take the piss, well ... laughable! (One for all: Grind ).
Does this mean that from now on you're on the bales, which will no longer see your shows and do not ever buy a book? No, not at all, you just fucked up and said I forgive you (all human beings, from time to time, some will say) and I am sure that, at worst, your monologues will always be comparable to a great dish superbly cooked lasagna.
However, if you go to admit that you copied the belief that no one would put it on Youtube monologues subtitled by Carlin and Hicks, know I appreciate it. :)
Alternatively, waiting (waiting) a more convincing excuse.
unchanged with affection and esteem.
PS: Anyway I'm curious to know how can you even get out of this mess.
Hello Daniel,
I wanted to wait for the storm to calm down not to mix this message with all the others, but then I thought: "Oh ... who the hell cares."
that many of the bars of your original footage had not know it for a long time but as Bruce, Carlin, Hicks, Letterman, etc. I was talking all the time I like to consider an explicit invitation to trace the origin of the texts.
Until a few years ago, in fact, except for what was published by Groucho Marx, Woody Allen and Mel Brooks, I was not knowledgeable about comics statunitensi mentre tu mi hai aperto le porte di una galassia dalla quale, ti tanto in tanto, spilucco fette di simpatia e te ne sono immensamente grato.
Con quelli che ti danno del "volgare" non c'ho mai nemmeno discusso (non spreco tempo con i decerebrati che fanno da eco a Bonaiuti) ed a quelli che mi dicono "Luttazzi copia" mi piace rispondere: "Quando tua madre cucina le lasagne che fai? Te le pappi o le dici che è una stronza perché la ricetta non è sua?".
La mia piccola esperienza da sceneggiatore e progettista mi fa vedere copie ovunque ma per non complicarmi troppo la vita mi limito ad ad osservare i risultati. Io so che chi copia può prendere un film come "Nikita" e trasformarlo in una merda tipo "Codename: Nina", or may remove "Signs" and reassemble it in the form of "Slumdog Millionaire", a small caplavoro.
(Yes, I know that there were never realized that "Slumdog Millionaire" and "Signs" are the same movie but do not bother the balls right now I'm writing to Luttazzi. Maybe we'll talk another time.)
I was saying ... in my own way, although the word "topological allomorphs" Gettin severe headaches, I think to distinguish when copy is good and bad but when Daniel, with all due respect, the story of "Trick of Lenny Bruce," the "message out of context "and" KoKomero "that does more to laugh at the" tomato "I think a very large, enormous, stratospheric: kazza !
Yes, KAZ-ZA-TA (pardon the "technicality", but is required).
No really ... it is one thing that Lenny Bruce quotes Aristophanes secretly to avoid jail, another sneak a fart joke on moths. In light of the above trick to admit that Bruce is believable as the good Scajola witness on real estate purchases.
You have taught me that truth is often hidden behind a laugh ... and the truth is that those who today will take the piss, well ... laughable! (One for all: Grind ).
Does this mean that from now on you're on the bales, which will no longer see your shows and do not ever buy a book? No, not at all, you just fucked up and said I forgive you (all human beings, from time to time, some will say) and I am sure that, at worst, your monologues will always be comparable to a great dish superbly cooked lasagna.
However, if you go to admit that you copied the belief that no one would put it on Youtube monologues subtitled by Carlin and Hicks, know I appreciate it. :)
Alternatively, waiting (waiting) a more convincing excuse.
unchanged with affection and esteem.
PS: Anyway I'm curious to know how can you even get out of this mess.
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