Sunday, November 7, 2010

Clear Urine In Pancreatitis

Polemiche inutili e censura preventiva

In recent days, perhaps to gloss over other subjects, there was a lot of talk about which songs to play during the evening in memory of the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy, the papal state continues to exist until 1870 and became the capital Rome the following year.

The choice to play Hello Beautiful Youth and someone appeared dangerous, perhaps because they remember the historical facts, it is to be condemned to repeat it, this thing that some notorious famous people would not mind at all. Unfortunately, few know that

Hello Bella was born as a song of Mondine Youth and collegiate was a song. Personally I find both quite beautiful and of great historical and cultural value.

not that Fascism denies that things are improving. In those years there were the Italians who believed in an idea and others in the opposite direction. These are things that have happened and will happen again. The mistakes, the atrocities and killings, there were on all sides. When you stop speaking and speaking are the weapons, no one reason. Citing the good doctor

" Violence is the last refuge of incompetents! "
then I would do in this space, what others have not had the courage or the foresight to do, you hear these two songs that, for better or for worse, are part of our history.


Hello Beautiful

PS: The order in which they are mentioned and / or hold up the two songs is purely coincidental.


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