Incontri e scontri
Spesso quando popoli e persone di provenienza diversa si incontrano, si possono scatenare dei grandi contrasti, ma non sempre questi devono essere i prodromi di una disputa di qualche genere. E' anche vero che dispute e incomprensioni di varia natura sono da mettere in preventivo. Sin dall'alba dei tempi si hanno notizie di tali incontri scontri: Roma con Alba Longa, Roma con gli Etruschi, Roma con la Grecia, L'impero romano con l'Oriente e con i popoli barbari provenienti da oltre i confini. Spesso questi contatti/conflitti hanno portato a grandi benefits in later times, such as the occupation of the Iberian Peninsula by the Moors.
Sometimes we forget that the substrate of life and experiences of people and different people will inevitably lead in large and small misunderstandings. Sometimes it is enough to pass the storm and not just everything he makes peace, but both sides will benefit.
Just yesterday I thought about these things and I remembered that there was a small film that made me laugh. Find it was not immediate, since I did not know the name of the protagonist, or the title.
A search on the net led me to rediscover it. The movie Merry Andrew, the original title of the film starring by Danny Kenny, known in Italy as the prince of the Circus, in which the protagonist, to earn the respect of his father and two brothers, Dean and professor emeritus of a collage, goes in search of ancient artifacts. On his way he meets a circus and ends up falling in love (strange) the daughter of the owner and presenter of the circus, of Sicilian origin. The clash is inevitable, but the ending is happy end.
While hating the movie musical, this is one of two or three that I love. In particular always laughed when he arrives this Canson, which serves to celebrate the engagement repairer (no sex, were trapped by a collapse for the night) between the protagonist and his sister, jealous of the three acrobats.
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