Monday, June 14, 2010

Alaska Cruise For Vegetarians

Luttazzi Copia (bla bla bla sbrok sbrok)

Hello Daniel,
I wanted to wait for the storm to calm down not to mix this message with all the others, but then I thought: "Oh ... who the hell cares."

that many of the bars of your original footage had not know it for a long time but as Bruce, Carlin, Hicks, Letterman, etc. I was talking all the time I like to consider an explicit invitation to trace the origin of the texts.
Until a few years ago, in fact, except for what was published by Groucho Marx, Woody Allen and Mel Brooks, I was not knowledgeable about comics statunitensi mentre tu mi hai aperto le porte di una galassia dalla quale, ti tanto in tanto, spilucco fette di simpatia e te ne sono immensamente grato.

Con quelli che ti danno del "volgare" non c'ho mai nemmeno discusso (non spreco tempo con i decerebrati che fanno da eco a Bonaiuti) ed a quelli che mi dicono "Luttazzi copia" mi piace rispondere: "Quando tua madre cucina le lasagne che fai? Te le pappi o le dici che è una stronza perché la ricetta non è sua?".

La mia piccola esperienza da sceneggiatore e progettista mi fa vedere copie ovunque ma per non complicarmi troppo la vita mi limito ad ad osservare i risultati. Io so che chi copia può prendere un film come "Nikita" e trasformarlo in una merda tipo "Codename: Nina", or may remove "Signs" and reassemble it in the form of "Slumdog Millionaire", a small caplavoro.

(Yes, I know that there were never realized that "Slumdog Millionaire" and "Signs" are the same movie but do not bother the balls right now I'm writing to Luttazzi. Maybe we'll talk another time.)

I was saying ... in my own way, although the word "topological allomorphs" Gettin severe headaches, I think to distinguish when copy is good and bad but when Daniel, with all due respect, the story of "Trick of Lenny Bruce," the "message out of context "and" KoKomero "that does more to laugh at the" tomato "I think a very large, enormous, stratospheric: kazza !

Yes, KAZ-ZA-TA (pardon the "technicality", but is required).

No really ... it is one thing that Lenny Bruce quotes Aristophanes secretly to avoid jail, another sneak a fart joke on moths. In light of the above trick to admit that Bruce is believable as the good Scajola witness on real estate purchases.

You have taught me that truth is often hidden behind a laugh ... and the truth is that those who today will take the piss, well ... laughable! (One for all: Grind ).

Does this mean that from now on you're on the bales, which will no longer see your shows and do not ever buy a book? No, not at all, you just fucked up and said I forgive you (all human beings, from time to time, some will say) and I am sure that, at worst, your monologues will always be comparable to a great dish superbly cooked lasagna.

However, if you go to admit that you copied the belief that no one would put it on Youtube monologues subtitled by Carlin and Hicks, know I appreciate it. :)
Alternatively, waiting (waiting) a more convincing excuse.

unchanged with affection and esteem.

PS: Anyway I'm curious to know how can you even get out of this mess.


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