few days ago, I was in a bar with a friend. We were chatting about trivial things, and read: the guy who had not called, missed a Christmas card, the ability to separate mind from body, and learn to have sex like men, without emotional involvement, without ties, without breaking sentimental .
However, I could not help but hear the conversation of people sitting at the next table. One of them, almost shouting, said: "Certainly it takes great courage to take her own life for a disappointment in love. She was so young, poor girl ..." ..
Courage? It takes courage to take her own life for a disappointment in love? ...
And the father who, every day, gets up at five in the morning, kisses his children in silence, never complaining, leaves home to go to work, a chore, like that of a bricklayer, a job underpaid, tiring, frustrating, and lacking the most basic security measures ... here, that father is brave, or not?
And the mother of the family who, at fifty, is to do the cleaning in another's house without being able to take care of their own, to help her husband (whose salary alone is not enough) to make ends meet later this month, try, try, and I say, to ensure a future that is worthy of the name, their children ... here, the mother of the family is brave, or not?
And the children of the father, and the mother, to pay for studies, and ease the burden on household budgets, are divided between university courses and jobs of all sorts, from waiter to his secretary, famed teacher to repetitions, through the operator, up to the mask in the theater ... here, those children are brave, or not? And children
del reparto oncologico, che affrontano mali incurabili, e lo fanno col sorriso sulle labbra. Quei bambini desiderosi di vita, ma costretti in una stanza d'ospedale. Quei bambini che conoscono un mondo fatto solo di aghi, lacci emostatici, flebo e sale operatorie ... ecco, quei bambini sono coraggiosi, oppure non lo sono?
E i volontari della croce rossa, della protezione civile, dell'assistenza ai disabili e agli anziani, che dedicano la propria vita a quella degli altri ... ecco, quei volontari sono coraggiosi, oppure non lo sono?
Coraggioso è chi affronta la vita con i suoi infiniti inganni, e le sue pene. Coraggioso è chi si rialza ad ogni caduta, e prosegue il cammino. Coraggioso è chi si batte per un indeale, and is willing to die for that. Brave who is not afraid of fear, but neither underestimates. Brave is the one who performs his duty, every day, every day. Small, everyday heroes.
Brave and alert. Because it takes more courage to live than to die.
Ps: there earthen, strongly, to emphasize one thing. In my mind, and my words, they absolutely excluding cases of euthanasia, which in Italy has been accompanied by endless controversy. Those circumstances are very different from the circumstances that inspired it, and I am referring, in the post. These are people who have lived with dignity, and wanted to give dignity to his death. A choice, in my view, not only brave (since we are talking of courage), but even respect for life itself, to remain so, and does not turn into a straightforward, exhausting, pointless agony.
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