are officially entered in a "review to an end." "Water in the throat" give a good idea.
Continually in my pajamas. Because if you do not have to dress in the morning, returning five minutes of study, and you feel less guilty for waking reduced last well this time.
crouched on the bed. With his legs crossed, the book resting on his knees, and eyes the hope to learn by osmosis. In the end, I and the book, we enter into an agreement to outline the defense: "I do not like you, you do not like me, let's put up with for another two weeks yet, so that neither should ever see again the other" .
Every time my poor mother opens the door to my room to take me a bit 'of coffee, or ask me if I want to eat something, I hear a cry to be born in the dark recesses of my throat, and I see him hovering in the air: "Vattttttttteeeeeeeennnnneeeeeeee and shut the fucking door! "
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