Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Church Anniversary Templates

Ashes to ashes

Emergo for a few seconds of very intense days to comment on what everyone knows by now, namely the trial of the President of the Council.
Who reads this blog regularly knows that I have stated many times that the offense of extortion is competent to conduct the surveys was the Court of Ministers and the Attorney: view put forward by Berlusconi's defense and that was rejected by the GIP .
not the first time I sprinkle ashes on their heads for the wrong weather, and the rest part of the game, as the law is not a science degree. However this time I do not.
course, the GIP will be studied very well the case law and doctrine, reliable service much more time than he has spent for me reading a few lines and some maximum. But also GIP might be wrong, and awaiting to read-maybe-motivation, and in any case until the decision of the Supreme Court, which certainly will eventually rule also on the specific point, I'll still thoroughly convinced that the correct decision would had to be another.

Turning briefly to the theme of the feared conflict of competence by the House on the Constitutional Court (per raise which, incidentally, does not serve mica absolute majority of 316 votes but a simple majority), this is a maneuver far-fetched, as nearly always happens when a body of the legislature raises the conflict with respect to acts of the Judiciary (the case Englaro should be borne in mind something).


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