Dog bites man who was
Alex Hall is a journalist with the Corriere della Sera, which is the main Italian newspaper. Probably, with time running, it will not be an assumption: it will have a contract with Caruso, those contracts that after a while 'you out of my head. The room
writes articles on various topics: mainly of animals (dogs, mostly) and stuff of internet and technology. Sometimes he can hit the hunchback, and then he can speak di animali E di internet nello stesso pezzo .
Probabilmente il protagonista della nostra storia la sera va a casa, si stappa una birra, e pensa esattamente quello che penso io quando torno a casa e mi verso un bicchiere di Frascati: «è uno sporco lavoro ma qualcuno lo deve pur fare».
Io non conosco granché il mondo del giornalismo: non so se questi collaboratori siano pagati un tanto al mese, oppure un tanto a pezzo. O, come Balzac o il Piccolo Scrivano Fiorentino, un tot a riga. Personalmente spero per lui che sia pagato a parola, o addirittura a singolo carattere, che tanto oggidì è facile contarli: basta premere un tasto.
Perché ciò, l'esser pagato a parola o a carattere, potrebbe somehow justify 700 words and 4300 characters used to account for the fact that on Facebook there are trolls. See? I said "On Facebook, there are the trolls' : 6 words, 27 characters including spaces. The
no room: the room in her (so to speak) article says there names, tells us about the content, we count the members of the groups. Reassures us that there is no limit to bad taste, and to reassure us of his good taste literally brings us the good things in bad taste, as if he suspected that the reader can not trust his word.
And so on, in quotation marks, here it is to get 700 words and 4300 characters. And we hope that De Bortoli realizes that they are all copincollati, and gave them to pay half of the half.
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