Among those few things, certainly within the totonomine on the choice of leaders who should lead the center-left coalition to victory theme that is only partly related to the above, since the celebration of removes responsibility for a primary to the party machinery.
The impression these days is that the majority within the Democratic Party line is to admit, finally, that the primaries are not the panacea for all ills: and it is preordained when they exceeded the strategy veltroniana of splendid isolation and we begin to think in terms of heterogeneous coalition of forces that the primaries do not want to miss hearing about.
This raises the issue of choice of the leader, is put on the table by that Prodi Vendola, with their support * Rosy Bindi.
Now is not that it shifts the discourse on the method (the primary) on the (name) change much, we are always nel solco del veltronismo populista, quello che se ne frega del cosa fare per concentrare l'attenzione sul chi nominare , come se potesse esistere in questo sfortunato paese un erede al Trono di Francia che, una volta unto con il sacro nella Cattedrale di Reims, possa imporre le mani al Paese e guarirlo così dalla scrofola delle proprie magagne economiche, istituzionali, sociali.
Fortunatamente nell'attuale PD c'è ancora qualche persona di buon senso, a partire dal Segretario che, come riporta Repubblica , ha dichiarato: «Prima costruiamo la coalizione, prima ancora arriviamo alle elezioni anticipate. Dopo sceglieremo chi saprà interpretare meglio il progetto»; e pure il Grande Elder, who said: "Of course, since we are talking about a grand coalition, the candidate must be agreed and not imposed" It is very sad that such obvious need to be made and reported by newspapers at this rate I would expect that in a few days in Italy were given as extraordinary news that the sun, having gone down, rose again in the morning sky. Unfortunately today
Bersani and D'Alema are due to reduce to express such trivialities, not to give air to his mouth, but, alas, the fact that nell'accozzaglia party in which there are characters who seem to militate have not yet learned 'ABC of common sense.
Among these, obviously, is the first row the patrol Veltroni. Strangely their capobastone (which was to be committed, I think, a presentation of his novel training in the charming town of San Benedetto del Tronto) forgot to converge a livid letter to the editor of some national newspaper, but his momentary distraction is not was a problem. As bad ideas, like weeds, infesting the minds with a rapidity that useful plants are unable to support, here in his place came out immediately the friend of a life, Melandri which, candidly, if n 'came out with the following externally
"To a grand alliance I'm good at Mario Monti. Bindi can not federate a 'alliance Vendola from the Third Pole. "
Mario Monti.
I will not bother to talk about Mario Monti, which I think is quite familiar to anyone who reads this blog, and who still do not know him can peep on Wikipedia **.
I will not even ask what the thought process that leads a rational person to associate the name "Mario Monti" a "coalition of center-left" without the immediate appearance of the banner "Seriously you're on!" behind the interviewer, once satisfied that the esternante not be a rational (or at least that it is not in the sense of "rational" commonly applies to all vertebrate animals, but because if we go by the parties gastropods are probably the two are compatible), that's all it is a logical explanation.
What I want to ask Mrs. Melandri, is another thing: how did he pull out the name of Mario Monti? He reasoned above, or put in a hat all the names of those who have held some important position, and then extract the first note? Since in the latter case, then that is what everyone else Mountains, is the simple chance to have decided, Then we go and we are all quiet: after the case is a criterion for choosing a leader at least as valid as the primaries.
But if, as I fear, we have reasoned a little 'up, then I wonder why Mario Monti Giorgio La Malfa and so is not it? What are the characteristics of both that make it preferable over the other?
Something tells me I'll never get an adequate response.
* Here I should spend a few lines on how it is possible that Prodi and Vendola, two supporters of the primaries to the bitter end, they both have spent words to describe a possible leader of the coalition which is exactly the opposite of making choose the leader of the "people" but since I can not find an explanation, to be sure my ability to discern much more limited than believe the same people who consider me a little less than half idiot, I am silent.
** Among other things, since I stopped writing on Wikipedia, you can rest assured that they are not going to change for the worse the voice that he is concerned for the sake of my thesis.
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