Dog bites man who was
Alex Hall is a journalist with the Corriere della Sera, which is the main Italian newspaper. Probably, with time running, it will not be an assumption: it will have a contract with Caruso, those contracts that after a while 'you out of my head. The room
writes articles on various topics: mainly of animals (dogs, mostly) and stuff of internet and technology. Sometimes he can hit the hunchback, and then he can speak di animali E di internet nello stesso pezzo .
Probabilmente il protagonista della nostra storia la sera va a casa, si stappa una birra, e pensa esattamente quello che penso io quando torno a casa e mi verso un bicchiere di Frascati: «è uno sporco lavoro ma qualcuno lo deve pur fare».
Io non conosco granché il mondo del giornalismo: non so se questi collaboratori siano pagati un tanto al mese, oppure un tanto a pezzo. O, come Balzac o il Piccolo Scrivano Fiorentino, un tot a riga. Personalmente spero per lui che sia pagato a parola, o addirittura a singolo carattere, che tanto oggidì è facile contarli: basta premere un tasto.
Perché ciò, l'esser pagato a parola o a carattere, potrebbe somehow justify 700 words and 4300 characters used to account for the fact that on Facebook there are trolls. See? I said "On Facebook, there are the trolls' : 6 words, 27 characters including spaces. The
no room: the room in her (so to speak) article says there names, tells us about the content, we count the members of the groups. Reassures us that there is no limit to bad taste, and to reassure us of his good taste literally brings us the good things in bad taste, as if he suspected that the reader can not trust his word.
And so on, in quotation marks, here it is to get 700 words and 4300 characters. And we hope that De Bortoli realizes that they are all copincollati, and gave them to pay half of the half.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
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News My Victory for the United
After all puttanaio mounted by Confindustria, the League, by Gelmini, by Larussa and a bit 'all those who, in the end, the Government, as everyone knows, has declared public holiday on the day of 17 March, so that by all itsaliani can celebrate peacefully and with dignity the unification of Italy. The
DL. 22/2/2011 # 5 reads: Article 1
And so are all happy: the Larussa, the Marcegaglia, maybe even the league, who knows. Stay out
only Gelmini, as students are not paid and on November 4 would go to school anyway, but I really think that the day will be recovered, otherwise the teachers would be a free picnic.
After all puttanaio mounted by Confindustria, the League, by Gelmini, by Larussa and a bit 'all those who, in the end, the Government, as everyone knows, has declared public holiday on the day of 17 March, so that by all itsaliani can celebrate peacefully and with dignity the unification of Italy. The
DL. 22/2/2011 # 5 reads: Article 1
Bello, no? But there is also the second paragraph:
1. Low in the year 2011, on 17 March and 'be a holiday within the meaning of Articles 2 and 4 of the Law May 27, 1949, No 260.
2. In order to avoid new or increased burdens on public finance and private companies, resulting from the provisions of paragraph 1, only for the year 2011 the economic and legal institutions and contract provided for the holidays' is not deleted on November 4 apply to that occurrence, but, instead, the national holiday for the 150th anniversary of the Unity ' of Italy proclaimed March 17, 2011.So in summary: March 17 is at home, but the former holiday on November 4 (the one that allows the worker to be home one day when he believes, or alternatively to charge the day at year end) jump .
And so are all happy: the Larussa, the Marcegaglia, maybe even the league, who knows. Stay out
only Gelmini, as students are not paid and on November 4 would go to school anyway, but I really think that the day will be recovered, otherwise the teachers would be a free picnic.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Harrah's Casino Waitress
Courier From:
Subsequently, the President of the United States, Barack Obama, has called for an end to the "monstrous violence" taking place in Libya. The repression in Libya during the 'violates international law "and is contrary to human rights was the U.S. president for whom" human rights are not negotiable. " Obama would have given orders to his security council to study a range of options to address the crisis. "We condemn strongly the use of violence in Libya - Obama said -. The bloodbath is monstrous, and it is unacceptable. These actions violate international norms and standards of any normal decency "
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
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Error 404
There Republic on a piece Arturo Di Corinto, whose purpose is, in essence, what the reader to reflect on what is good and prepared the extensor journalist, how many technical terms he know and what would be nice to chew a bit 'of all things strange and vaguely disturbing: how not to be fascinated when we find that " In Bahrain, Yemen, Syria, but also in other states depopulated software for Windows and Linux, simple to use, all Italian, which allows the creation of "web sites" outside of the web portal with forums and blogs that will not require a central server - the portal propagates in peer to peer (p2p) and is duplicated in full in the computer of each node connected "? Indeed
should be just the bad guys these rulers who put up a series of technical censorship, which our reporter sets out one by one: 'Error, condition, votum, cognatic, crimen. Cultus disparitas, vis, ordo, ligamen, Honestas " *. And what a scandal
discover that there is not only Libya, Egypt and Iran, as "more than 36 countries filter political content at various levels, religious sites, pornography, gambling ": true illiberal. Too bad the
Di Corinto forgot to say that he does the Italian government: the piece would be perfect.
* Wow, I missed the copincollo. The correct quote was: 'blocking IP addresses, the URL through a proxy server, tampering with the DNS (the system that lets us find the addresses of sites), actions that inhibit access to specific web pages, entire domains (. org.. com,. ly, etc.), or specific addresses. The installation of filters within the user's computer, the blocking of keywords that prevents access to sites that have certain words or in the name of preventing the search engines view them on the basis of blacklists of words hot '
There Republic on a piece Arturo Di Corinto, whose purpose is, in essence, what the reader to reflect on what is good and prepared the extensor journalist, how many technical terms he know and what would be nice to chew a bit 'of all things strange and vaguely disturbing: how not to be fascinated when we find that " In Bahrain, Yemen, Syria, but also in other states depopulated software for Windows and Linux, simple to use, all Italian, which allows the creation of "web sites" outside of the web portal with forums and blogs that will not require a central server - the portal propagates in peer to peer (p2p) and is duplicated in full in the computer of each node connected "? Indeed
should be just the bad guys these rulers who put up a series of technical censorship, which our reporter sets out one by one: 'Error, condition, votum, cognatic, crimen. Cultus disparitas, vis, ordo, ligamen, Honestas " *. And what a scandal
discover that there is not only Libya, Egypt and Iran, as "more than 36 countries filter political content at various levels, religious sites, pornography, gambling ": true illiberal. Too bad the
Di Corinto forgot to say that he does the Italian government: the piece would be perfect.
* Wow, I missed the copincollo. The correct quote was: 'blocking IP addresses, the URL through a proxy server, tampering with the DNS (the system that lets us find the addresses of sites), actions that inhibit access to specific web pages, entire domains (. org.. com,. ly, etc.), or specific addresses. The installation of filters within the user's computer, the blocking of keywords that prevents access to sites that have certain words or in the name of preventing the search engines view them on the basis of blacklists of words hot '
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cultural subordination
I did not vote in the primaries for the candidate for mayor of Milan, for the good reason that I did not vote in the primaries. If I was forced, I would certainly have voted Onida, as Boeri was a part of that same civil society that has given pills policemen and Confindustria, without even Indore, and Pisapia seemed and still seems a bit 'too' springs "to fight the battle against the Moratti.
Nevertheless, once ritrovatomi Pisapia as a candidate, I started to make me pleasure, and I thought that probably the right time I would have even voted.
* Then came the hubbub of the rents of the Pio Albergo Trivulzio, and it was discovered that Pisapia has a girlfriend and that girlfriend that leads to rent an apartment in the Pio Albergo Trivulzio: a rented apartment and a husband 23 years ago. The
Pisapia, who apparently does not read Wolfstep, should have replied: "Embee?" And instead apologized for having committed a lightweight, strengthened in the opinion that it is too soft to deal with the campaign but at the same time, convincing myself that is a decent person: a person who apologizes for something he did not commit or facilitated but, simply, it was close.
Let's say the car at times I pulled in the other day, tomorrow was going to run into a wall and the driver were to die in excruciating pain: I open a bottle, while Pisapia probably would feel guilty and do not hesitate to admit that if it did, he would a better person than me.
The question, however, the apartment could finish there, with an excuse too, if he had not immediately left the conditioned reflex grillopietrista of much of the Italian left: the left one for which a suspect is convicted by a final, a convict who has served their sentences, regardless of the crime committed, is stigma for life, and gradually moving away from the principles of elementary logic, gets to make one talk is enough to make a suspect chatted, and then a suspect, and then a defendant, and thus convicted and then sentenced in a definitive way, and therefore an outcast of society and politics.
Certainly, we had come to extend the infamy to the descendants to the seventh generation and boyfriends, but do not worry we have now overcome this barrier.
We came, chasing the screaming of vulgar comedy, strolling players and ex-fascists, to transform a rule of law in a republic of the foundation stone on which, however, half of the scribes and Pharisees if they SODDING, the claim of Jesus, and draws ass pound boulders while a child, oblivious to the contradiction which consents not.
for that alone should take the promoter Washball and hang by the feet, not enough anything else he's done.
Mind you, the problem is that with the giving to him by Pisapia Who should bear the risk of losing the elections once again in Milan: I'm already thoroughly convinced that in Milan, for at least another two decades, there is just to have a housekeeper is not right. The real problem is that we (or rather : Many of us have) an internalized model of politics that is at odds with the values \u200b\u200bthat we should pursue and that is inherently, inevitably and ubiquitously loser. Il modello che ci hanno trasmesso i Grillo, i Veltroni**, i Di Pietro, prevede che si guardi alla persona anziché al programma; all'estensione dell'alleanza anziché alla coerenza delle idee; al filato della sciarpa anziché al discorso pronunciato. Portato al naturale estremo, il modello imposto dai Travagli e dai Barbacetti lascia spazio all'agire politico solamente a dei perfetti deficienti decerebrati: dato che solo un deficiente decerebrato può essere arrivato a diciott'anni senza commettere né un reato né un illecito***. E dato che l'essere eletti non è come il ragno di Peter Parker, non possiamo certo aspettarci che il decerebrato di turno una volta insediato divenga di colpo un raffinato genio della politica, un Bartlet, un Lyman, una Gardner: si limiterà ad essere un burattino nelle mani dell'imbonitore capo, magari proprio quello che ha affermato che non scenderà mai in politica in quanto già condannato in via definitiva.
Tutto ciò, intendiamoci, quando le cose vanno bene. Quando le cose vanno male il coglione comincia a guardarsi intorno, si accorge che le poltrone comode sono comode, tira fuori quel grano di furbizia che qualunque pirla ha in sé e al momento buono manda affanculo l'imbonitore e si fa pagare il mutuo della casa da qualcun altro.
Questo per quanto riguarda la sinistra. Per quanto riguarda la destra, il problema non si pone: chi viene beccato con le mani nel sacco dichiara candidamente che non sa chi gli avesse paid for the house where he lives: and his voters give reason and logic so indignant that an explanation can be questioned by opponents of the Party of Hate and Envy. The
Pisapia, when he apologized for the fact that his current girlfriend and a husband twenty-three years ago he rented an apartment and has always paid the rent, must be the victim of this troubled reflection. I hope to have a burst of pride and send to hell all those who, from the right or left, camp out on his bullshit (and, if there were any doubts, the shit was the scusarzi, I do not choose a bride with house for rent).
I hope, above all, we all be able to exit the tunnel This justicialism two-bit holes, useful only to empower and contributions to the tribunes that would not be worthy of occupying a place even at Speaker's Corner: people who have one idea on how to move forward a country but, in contrast, knows very well how to capture and recycle popularity from one season to another, by twenty years as the novelty of the moment.
* this blog please do not use the ending-pole, with the exception of posts dealing with parlor games and Etruscan archeological
** maybe this time a bit 'less, but he still has to respond' s being born and then we could not cite
*** Please note that smoking a joint è un illecito amministrativo ex art. 75 L.309/90; tornare a casa ubriachi lo è ex art.688 c.p. e inveire contro la Divinità lo è ex art.724 c.p. Pisciare contro un albero invece è un vero e proprio reato, p.e p. dall' art. 726 c.p.
I did not vote in the primaries for the candidate for mayor of Milan, for the good reason that I did not vote in the primaries. If I was forced, I would certainly have voted Onida, as Boeri was a part of that same civil society that has given pills policemen and Confindustria, without even Indore, and Pisapia seemed and still seems a bit 'too' springs "to fight the battle against the Moratti.
Nevertheless, once ritrovatomi Pisapia as a candidate, I started to make me pleasure, and I thought that probably the right time I would have even voted.
* Then came the hubbub of the rents of the Pio Albergo Trivulzio, and it was discovered that Pisapia has a girlfriend and that girlfriend that leads to rent an apartment in the Pio Albergo Trivulzio: a rented apartment and a husband 23 years ago. The
Pisapia, who apparently does not read Wolfstep, should have replied: "Embee?" And instead apologized for having committed a lightweight, strengthened in the opinion that it is too soft to deal with the campaign but at the same time, convincing myself that is a decent person: a person who apologizes for something he did not commit or facilitated but, simply, it was close.
Let's say the car at times I pulled in the other day, tomorrow was going to run into a wall and the driver were to die in excruciating pain: I open a bottle, while Pisapia probably would feel guilty and do not hesitate to admit that if it did, he would a better person than me.
The question, however, the apartment could finish there, with an excuse too, if he had not immediately left the conditioned reflex grillopietrista of much of the Italian left: the left one for which a suspect is convicted by a final, a convict who has served their sentences, regardless of the crime committed, is stigma for life, and gradually moving away from the principles of elementary logic, gets to make one talk is enough to make a suspect chatted, and then a suspect, and then a defendant, and thus convicted and then sentenced in a definitive way, and therefore an outcast of society and politics.
Certainly, we had come to extend the infamy to the descendants to the seventh generation and boyfriends, but do not worry we have now overcome this barrier.
We came, chasing the screaming of vulgar comedy, strolling players and ex-fascists, to transform a rule of law in a republic of the foundation stone on which, however, half of the scribes and Pharisees if they SODDING, the claim of Jesus, and draws ass pound boulders while a child, oblivious to the contradiction which consents not.
for that alone should take the promoter Washball and hang by the feet, not enough anything else he's done.
Mind you, the problem is that with the giving to him by Pisapia Who should bear the risk of losing the elections once again in Milan: I'm already thoroughly convinced that in Milan, for at least another two decades, there is just to have a housekeeper is not right. The real problem is that we (or rather : Many of us have) an internalized model of politics that is at odds with the values \u200b\u200bthat we should pursue and that is inherently, inevitably and ubiquitously loser. Il modello che ci hanno trasmesso i Grillo, i Veltroni**, i Di Pietro, prevede che si guardi alla persona anziché al programma; all'estensione dell'alleanza anziché alla coerenza delle idee; al filato della sciarpa anziché al discorso pronunciato. Portato al naturale estremo, il modello imposto dai Travagli e dai Barbacetti lascia spazio all'agire politico solamente a dei perfetti deficienti decerebrati: dato che solo un deficiente decerebrato può essere arrivato a diciott'anni senza commettere né un reato né un illecito***. E dato che l'essere eletti non è come il ragno di Peter Parker, non possiamo certo aspettarci che il decerebrato di turno una volta insediato divenga di colpo un raffinato genio della politica, un Bartlet, un Lyman, una Gardner: si limiterà ad essere un burattino nelle mani dell'imbonitore capo, magari proprio quello che ha affermato che non scenderà mai in politica in quanto già condannato in via definitiva.
Tutto ciò, intendiamoci, quando le cose vanno bene. Quando le cose vanno male il coglione comincia a guardarsi intorno, si accorge che le poltrone comode sono comode, tira fuori quel grano di furbizia che qualunque pirla ha in sé e al momento buono manda affanculo l'imbonitore e si fa pagare il mutuo della casa da qualcun altro.
Questo per quanto riguarda la sinistra. Per quanto riguarda la destra, il problema non si pone: chi viene beccato con le mani nel sacco dichiara candidamente che non sa chi gli avesse paid for the house where he lives: and his voters give reason and logic so indignant that an explanation can be questioned by opponents of the Party of Hate and Envy. The
Pisapia, when he apologized for the fact that his current girlfriend and a husband twenty-three years ago he rented an apartment and has always paid the rent, must be the victim of this troubled reflection. I hope to have a burst of pride and send to hell all those who, from the right or left, camp out on his bullshit (and, if there were any doubts, the shit was the scusarzi, I do not choose a bride with house for rent).
I hope, above all, we all be able to exit the tunnel This justicialism two-bit holes, useful only to empower and contributions to the tribunes that would not be worthy of occupying a place even at Speaker's Corner: people who have one idea on how to move forward a country but, in contrast, knows very well how to capture and recycle popularity from one season to another, by twenty years as the novelty of the moment.
* this blog please do not use the ending-pole, with the exception of posts dealing with parlor games and Etruscan archeological
** maybe this time a bit 'less, but he still has to respond' s being born and then we could not cite
*** Please note that smoking a joint è un illecito amministrativo ex art. 75 L.309/90; tornare a casa ubriachi lo è ex art.688 c.p. e inveire contro la Divinità lo è ex art.724 c.p. Pisciare contro un albero invece è un vero e proprio reato, p.e p. dall' art. 726 c.p.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
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timeliness made Flesh
La Chiesa, vedete, non si muove sui nostri frettolosi tempi terreni, bensì su quelli, incommensurabilmente più dilatati, dell'Eterno.
Solo persone intimamente disordinate e vittime del relativismo culturale imperante in questa nostra trista epoca potrebbero alzare il proprio sopracciglio, probabilmente olezzante di zolfo, e ritenere un po' tardiva la condanna del Cardinal Bagnasco.
La Chiesa, vedete, non si muove sui nostri frettolosi tempi terreni, bensì su quelli, incommensurabilmente più dilatati, dell'Eterno.
Solo persone intimamente disordinate e vittime del relativismo culturale imperante in questa nostra trista epoca potrebbero alzare il proprio sopracciglio, probabilmente olezzante di zolfo, e ritenere un po' tardiva la condanna del Cardinal Bagnasco.
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cultural relativism
Coloro che in These days they rant against the Minister of Foreign Affairs for its inadequacy in dealing with the events in Libya, and are confident that the outcome of the notes legal proceedings, Berlusconi's government is ousted and replaced not by way old babbioni arising from the apparatus PCI but by a new generation of young circaquarantenni center and left, have certainly been a jolt of pride reading the lucid analysis by one of their designated leader, a piece of rare depth that allows us all worried for the Libyan-especially-for ourselves, to understand what is actually happening in that direction and balance a government should act.
Coloro che in These days they rant against the Minister of Foreign Affairs for its inadequacy in dealing with the events in Libya, and are confident that the outcome of the notes legal proceedings, Berlusconi's government is ousted and replaced not by way old babbioni arising from the apparatus PCI but by a new generation of young circaquarantenni center and left, have certainly been a jolt of pride reading the lucid analysis by one of their designated leader, a piece of rare depth that allows us all worried for the Libyan-especially-for ourselves, to understand what is actually happening in that direction and balance a government should act.
Monday, February 21, 2011
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First think, then act. Better late than never
I find it more easy to write today, as the bad guy is Gaddafi: A person for whom it is difficult to find reasons of solidarity.
Sure, it's easy to sympathize with those who oppose a dictatorial and absolutist regime, they say, would be guilty of crimes of genocide to the limit. And many of the network gurus have the reflex to go to the streets and anyone who has an account on Twitter is good regardless, if only because modern digital.
But before we applaud the new Libyan revolution, I suggest you read the text 's televised speech Gaddafi's son, because as always, the point is not to make revolutions, but to avere un'idea precisa del perché si debbano fare, e quale assetto ne debba uscire.
I find it more easy to write today, as the bad guy is Gaddafi: A person for whom it is difficult to find reasons of solidarity.
Sure, it's easy to sympathize with those who oppose a dictatorial and absolutist regime, they say, would be guilty of crimes of genocide to the limit. And many of the network gurus have the reflex to go to the streets and anyone who has an account on Twitter is good regardless, if only because modern digital.
But before we applaud the new Libyan revolution, I suggest you read the text 's televised speech Gaddafi's son, because as always, the point is not to make revolutions, but to avere un'idea precisa del perché si debbano fare, e quale assetto ne debba uscire.
«There are groups that have formed a government in Benghazi and groups that have set up an Islamic emirate in Baida ... and another person who declared himself to be the ruler of the Islamic Republic of Darna.will not necessarily root for anarchy is more noble than cheer for the dictatorship.
They now want to transform Libya into a group of [Islamic] emirates – small states – and even [cause] separatism. They have a plot. Unfortunately, our brother Arabs [allowed] their media, their stations and the inflammatory coverage.»
«"Do you expect the Libyans, if partition occurs or if a civil war occurs ... to reach an agreement on how to share oil within a week, a month, two or three years?
This oil will be burned by thugs, Criminals, gangs and tribes, and there will be major and bloody Conflicts over it, and in the end no Libyan oil will end up with this, Because it is in the central and southern parts of Libya , in the middle of the desert. Three quarters of Our population are based in the western area. "
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After thinking about it all morning, those of the Republic have finally decided what the main news from:
A) half a revolution (or perhaps a revolution itself) in a country that is a stone's throw from nostre coste, è il principale fornitore energetico ed è partner finanziario di primissimo piano dell'Italia, e
B) un pazzo che ha sfondato una vetrina di un aereoporto credendo di essere inseguito dagli alieni
Sunday, February 20, 2011
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Tu lavori per la FIAT.
OK, ma forse lavori per una ditta di servizi che ti disloca presso FIAT.
O forse lavori presso una ditta dell'indotto FIAT o come consulente presso una di queste ditte.
Oppure no, lavori davvero per qualcosa che non ha nulla a che fare con FIAT, ma hai comperato. un'auto FIAT.
La tua macchina non è FIAT? Bravo, ma forse lo è la tua assicurazione auto o la banca dove versi lo stipendio.
Nulla di tutto questo? Mi sta bene. Parte delle tue tasse vengono comunque usate per gli incentivi all'industria auto o per dare da vivere ai cassaintegrati FIAT.
Ah... sei disoccupato.
Non paghi tasse perché non hai un lavoro e, conseguentemente, you do not even have a car and a bank account? Well, that's your condition to justify the fact that FIAT can take to starvation wages.
So, whether you like it or not: you work for Fiat.
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Segnalo questo lucidissimo post di Francesco Cundari (una delle poche persone con cui, prima ancora di leggere il titolo del pezzo, so già che sarò d'accordo a prescindere). Lo segnalo non tanto per il tema in sé, peraltro -come sempre- centrato, quanto per il fatto che, a partire dalla sua riflessione, si può capire meglio come i sistemi costituzionali moderni si reggano su un delicatissimo equilibrio: nel quale basta spostare una sola carta per far cadere l'intero castello.
Il nostro disgraziato Paese, so di ripetermi sempre come i vecchi che danno da mangiare ai piccioni sulle panchine, è nello stato in cui è anche (e per me soprattutto) per il forzato inserimento di un sistema rappresentativo maggioritario (e, aggiungo, spiccatamente maggioritario) in un contesto di regole pensato per un sistema elettorale spiccatamente ed estremisticamente proporzionale.
Aver seguito Mariotto Segni e Giacinto Pannella nei loro deliri americaneggianti, dopo la prima tangentopoli, è stato un errore condiviso da tutti, salvo qualche ininfluente e isolata minoranza che già allora prevedeva il futuro disastro, sia pur non dell'ampiezza poi avveratasi.
Insistere ancora oggi sul tema del bipolarismo ha sense only if you import, together with the electoral law, including the Constitution of the countries bipolar: and for those who really want to do is not be spoiled for choice.
who preaches "PRIMARY", "bipolar," MAJORITY "," SEVERAL MEMBERS 'should have the courage to add your signature at the bottom of Madison to a new constitution that provides for the right to happiness, the discretion to prosecute, the freedom of the press and even a standard, destined to be repealed, the ban on selling alcohol.
Empirsi mouth empty words, not exploit them in a Cotesta in which these words have their own way, a mob is able to survive only thanks to print only able to amplify the slogan of this or that political party: a press that has given up his job, which should be informing citizens and enabling them to think for themselves.
Segnalo questo lucidissimo post di Francesco Cundari (una delle poche persone con cui, prima ancora di leggere il titolo del pezzo, so già che sarò d'accordo a prescindere). Lo segnalo non tanto per il tema in sé, peraltro -come sempre- centrato, quanto per il fatto che, a partire dalla sua riflessione, si può capire meglio come i sistemi costituzionali moderni si reggano su un delicatissimo equilibrio: nel quale basta spostare una sola carta per far cadere l'intero castello.
Il nostro disgraziato Paese, so di ripetermi sempre come i vecchi che danno da mangiare ai piccioni sulle panchine, è nello stato in cui è anche (e per me soprattutto) per il forzato inserimento di un sistema rappresentativo maggioritario (e, aggiungo, spiccatamente maggioritario) in un contesto di regole pensato per un sistema elettorale spiccatamente ed estremisticamente proporzionale.
Aver seguito Mariotto Segni e Giacinto Pannella nei loro deliri americaneggianti, dopo la prima tangentopoli, è stato un errore condiviso da tutti, salvo qualche ininfluente e isolata minoranza che già allora prevedeva il futuro disastro, sia pur non dell'ampiezza poi avveratasi.
Insistere ancora oggi sul tema del bipolarismo ha sense only if you import, together with the electoral law, including the Constitution of the countries bipolar: and for those who really want to do is not be spoiled for choice.
who preaches "PRIMARY", "bipolar," MAJORITY "," SEVERAL MEMBERS 'should have the courage to add your signature at the bottom of Madison to a new constitution that provides for the right to happiness, the discretion to prosecute, the freedom of the press and even a standard, destined to be repealed, the ban on selling alcohol.
Empirsi mouth empty words, not exploit them in a Cotesta in which these words have their own way, a mob is able to survive only thanks to print only able to amplify the slogan of this or that political party: a press that has given up his job, which should be informing citizens and enabling them to think for themselves.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
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Cose così.
... e il gelato con mamma, in un pomeriggio d'inverno. Perché le cose buone sfidano il freddo, e non esistono più le mezze stagioni.
... e le nuove scarpette da ginnastica, con tanti fiorellini colorati. Perché Spring is meant to be announced.
... and the crooked tail. The tail side. What it takes little children to come back.
... and roses made of cloth, as a kind of earrings. Because it imparts is a matter of point of view. As the kite, he thinks that the world is attached to the wire.
... and shoulders bare. And blue. Painted blue.
... e il gelato con mamma, in un pomeriggio d'inverno. Perché le cose buone sfidano il freddo, e non esistono più le mezze stagioni.
... e le nuove scarpette da ginnastica, con tanti fiorellini colorati. Perché Spring is meant to be announced.
... and the crooked tail. The tail side. What it takes little children to come back.
... and roses made of cloth, as a kind of earrings. Because it imparts is a matter of point of view. As the kite, he thinks that the world is attached to the wire.
... and shoulders bare. And blue. Painted blue.
Rash Lupus Malar Rash
* Tadini, your wife is fucking!
football, is a bit 'as saying that the team leading the league has the right to choose the two linesmen, even among its leaders. And when playing at home the yellow cards to players from the visiting team shall serve as a red, of course.
* Caesar
"It will take two-thirds of the members to repeal the laws so as to avoid a repetition of the situation today, when Parliament debates a law, approves it and if you do not like the judges left the contest before Look at that, being composed predominantly of judges who come from the left, even though the repeal is a just law is absolutely right "The concept of justice that Silvio Berlusconi has in mind more or less knew him, but after the sortie of today is clearer. To use a simile
football, is a bit 'as saying that the team leading the league has the right to choose the two linesmen, even among its leaders. And when playing at home the yellow cards to players from the visiting team shall serve as a red, of course.
* Caesar
Friday, February 18, 2011
Crest Whitening Strips Northern Ireland
To a grand alliance I can see Giorgio La Malfa
Few things are for me the most boring debate on primary and primary schools do not.
Among those few things, certainly within the totonomine on the choice of leaders who should lead the center-left coalition to victory theme that is only partly related to the above, since the celebration of removes responsibility for a primary to the party machinery.
The impression these days is that the majority within the Democratic Party line is to admit, finally, that the primaries are not the panacea for all ills: and it is preordained when they exceeded the strategy veltroniana of splendid isolation and we begin to think in terms of heterogeneous coalition of forces that the primaries do not want to miss hearing about.
This raises the issue of choice of the leader, is put on the table by that Prodi Vendola, with their support * Rosy Bindi.
Now is not that it shifts the discourse on the method (the primary) on the (name) change much, we are always nel solco del veltronismo populista, quello che se ne frega del cosa fare per concentrare l'attenzione sul chi nominare , come se potesse esistere in questo sfortunato paese un erede al Trono di Francia che, una volta unto con il sacro nella Cattedrale di Reims, possa imporre le mani al Paese e guarirlo così dalla scrofola delle proprie magagne economiche, istituzionali, sociali.
Fortunatamente nell'attuale PD c'è ancora qualche persona di buon senso, a partire dal Segretario che, come riporta Repubblica , ha dichiarato: «Prima costruiamo la coalizione, prima ancora arriviamo alle elezioni anticipate. Dopo sceglieremo chi saprà interpretare meglio il progetto»; e pure il Grande Elder, who said: "Of course, since we are talking about a grand coalition, the candidate must be agreed and not imposed" It is very sad that such obvious need to be made and reported by newspapers at this rate I would expect that in a few days in Italy were given as extraordinary news that the sun, having gone down, rose again in the morning sky. Unfortunately today
Bersani and D'Alema are due to reduce to express such trivialities, not to give air to his mouth, but, alas, the fact that nell'accozzaglia party in which there are characters who seem to militate have not yet learned 'ABC of common sense.
Among these, obviously, is the first row the patrol Veltroni. Strangely their capobastone (which was to be committed, I think, a presentation of his novel training in the charming town of San Benedetto del Tronto) forgot to converge a livid letter to the editor of some national newspaper, but his momentary distraction is not was a problem. As bad ideas, like weeds, infesting the minds with a rapidity that useful plants are unable to support, here in his place came out immediately the friend of a life, Melandri which, candidly, if n 'came out with the following externally
"To a grand alliance I'm good at Mario Monti. Bindi can not federate a 'alliance Vendola from the Third Pole. "
Mario Monti.
I will not bother to talk about Mario Monti, which I think is quite familiar to anyone who reads this blog, and who still do not know him can peep on Wikipedia **.
I will not even ask what the thought process that leads a rational person to associate the name "Mario Monti" a "coalition of center-left" without the immediate appearance of the banner "Seriously you're on!" behind the interviewer, once satisfied that the esternante not be a rational (or at least that it is not in the sense of "rational" commonly applies to all vertebrate animals, but because if we go by the parties gastropods are probably the two are compatible), that's all it is a logical explanation.
What I want to ask Mrs. Melandri, is another thing: how did he pull out the name of Mario Monti? He reasoned above, or put in a hat all the names of those who have held some important position, and then extract the first note? Since in the latter case, then that is what everyone else Mountains, is the simple chance to have decided, Then we go and we are all quiet: after the case is a criterion for choosing a leader at least as valid as the primaries.
But if, as I fear, we have reasoned a little 'up, then I wonder why Mario Monti Giorgio La Malfa and so is not it? What are the characteristics of both that make it preferable over the other?
Something tells me I'll never get an adequate response.
* Here I should spend a few lines on how it is possible that Prodi and Vendola, two supporters of the primaries to the bitter end, they both have spent words to describe a possible leader of the coalition which is exactly the opposite of making choose the leader of the "people" but since I can not find an explanation, to be sure my ability to discern much more limited than believe the same people who consider me a little less than half idiot, I am silent.
** Among other things, since I stopped writing on Wikipedia, you can rest assured that they are not going to change for the worse the voice that he is concerned for the sake of my thesis.
Few things are for me the most boring debate on primary and primary schools do not.
Among those few things, certainly within the totonomine on the choice of leaders who should lead the center-left coalition to victory theme that is only partly related to the above, since the celebration of removes responsibility for a primary to the party machinery.
The impression these days is that the majority within the Democratic Party line is to admit, finally, that the primaries are not the panacea for all ills: and it is preordained when they exceeded the strategy veltroniana of splendid isolation and we begin to think in terms of heterogeneous coalition of forces that the primaries do not want to miss hearing about.
This raises the issue of choice of the leader, is put on the table by that Prodi Vendola, with their support * Rosy Bindi.
Now is not that it shifts the discourse on the method (the primary) on the (name) change much, we are always nel solco del veltronismo populista, quello che se ne frega del cosa fare per concentrare l'attenzione sul chi nominare , come se potesse esistere in questo sfortunato paese un erede al Trono di Francia che, una volta unto con il sacro nella Cattedrale di Reims, possa imporre le mani al Paese e guarirlo così dalla scrofola delle proprie magagne economiche, istituzionali, sociali.
Fortunatamente nell'attuale PD c'è ancora qualche persona di buon senso, a partire dal Segretario che, come riporta Repubblica , ha dichiarato: «Prima costruiamo la coalizione, prima ancora arriviamo alle elezioni anticipate. Dopo sceglieremo chi saprà interpretare meglio il progetto»; e pure il Grande Elder, who said: "Of course, since we are talking about a grand coalition, the candidate must be agreed and not imposed" It is very sad that such obvious need to be made and reported by newspapers at this rate I would expect that in a few days in Italy were given as extraordinary news that the sun, having gone down, rose again in the morning sky. Unfortunately today
Bersani and D'Alema are due to reduce to express such trivialities, not to give air to his mouth, but, alas, the fact that nell'accozzaglia party in which there are characters who seem to militate have not yet learned 'ABC of common sense.
Among these, obviously, is the first row the patrol Veltroni. Strangely their capobastone (which was to be committed, I think, a presentation of his novel training in the charming town of San Benedetto del Tronto) forgot to converge a livid letter to the editor of some national newspaper, but his momentary distraction is not was a problem. As bad ideas, like weeds, infesting the minds with a rapidity that useful plants are unable to support, here in his place came out immediately the friend of a life, Melandri which, candidly, if n 'came out with the following externally
"To a grand alliance I'm good at Mario Monti. Bindi can not federate a 'alliance Vendola from the Third Pole. "
Mario Monti.
I will not bother to talk about Mario Monti, which I think is quite familiar to anyone who reads this blog, and who still do not know him can peep on Wikipedia **.
I will not even ask what the thought process that leads a rational person to associate the name "Mario Monti" a "coalition of center-left" without the immediate appearance of the banner "Seriously you're on!" behind the interviewer, once satisfied that the esternante not be a rational (or at least that it is not in the sense of "rational" commonly applies to all vertebrate animals, but because if we go by the parties gastropods are probably the two are compatible), that's all it is a logical explanation.
What I want to ask Mrs. Melandri, is another thing: how did he pull out the name of Mario Monti? He reasoned above, or put in a hat all the names of those who have held some important position, and then extract the first note? Since in the latter case, then that is what everyone else Mountains, is the simple chance to have decided, Then we go and we are all quiet: after the case is a criterion for choosing a leader at least as valid as the primaries.
But if, as I fear, we have reasoned a little 'up, then I wonder why Mario Monti Giorgio La Malfa and so is not it? What are the characteristics of both that make it preferable over the other?
Something tells me I'll never get an adequate response.
* Here I should spend a few lines on how it is possible that Prodi and Vendola, two supporters of the primaries to the bitter end, they both have spent words to describe a possible leader of the coalition which is exactly the opposite of making choose the leader of the "people" but since I can not find an explanation, to be sure my ability to discern much more limited than believe the same people who consider me a little less than half idiot, I am silent.
** Among other things, since I stopped writing on Wikipedia, you can rest assured that they are not going to change for the worse the voice that he is concerned for the sake of my thesis.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Church Anniversary Templates
Ashes to ashes
Emergo for a few seconds of very intense days to comment on what everyone knows by now, namely the trial of the President of the Council.
Who reads this blog regularly knows that I have stated many times that the offense of extortion is competent to conduct the surveys was the Court of Ministers and the Attorney: view put forward by Berlusconi's defense and that was rejected by the GIP .
not the first time I sprinkle ashes on their heads for the wrong weather, and the rest part of the game, as the law is not a science degree. However this time I do not.
course, the GIP will be studied very well the case law and doctrine, reliable service much more time than he has spent for me reading a few lines and some maximum. But also GIP might be wrong, and awaiting to read-maybe-motivation, and in any case until the decision of the Supreme Court, which certainly will eventually rule also on the specific point, I'll still thoroughly convinced that the correct decision would had to be another.
Turning briefly to the theme of the feared conflict of competence by the House on the Constitutional Court (per raise which, incidentally, does not serve mica absolute majority of 316 votes but a simple majority), this is a maneuver far-fetched, as nearly always happens when a body of the legislature raises the conflict with respect to acts of the Judiciary (the case Englaro should be borne in mind something).
Emergo for a few seconds of very intense days to comment on what everyone knows by now, namely the trial of the President of the Council.
Who reads this blog regularly knows that I have stated many times that the offense of extortion is competent to conduct the surveys was the Court of Ministers and the Attorney: view put forward by Berlusconi's defense and that was rejected by the GIP .
not the first time I sprinkle ashes on their heads for the wrong weather, and the rest part of the game, as the law is not a science degree. However this time I do not.
course, the GIP will be studied very well the case law and doctrine, reliable service much more time than he has spent for me reading a few lines and some maximum. But also GIP might be wrong, and awaiting to read-maybe-motivation, and in any case until the decision of the Supreme Court, which certainly will eventually rule also on the specific point, I'll still thoroughly convinced that the correct decision would had to be another.
Turning briefly to the theme of the feared conflict of competence by the House on the Constitutional Court (per raise which, incidentally, does not serve mica absolute majority of 316 votes but a simple majority), this is a maneuver far-fetched, as nearly always happens when a body of the legislature raises the conflict with respect to acts of the Judiciary (the case Englaro should be borne in mind something).
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Monster Energy Hat With Little M's On It
La metamorfosi.
are officially entered in a "review to an end." "Water in the throat" give a good idea.
Continually in my pajamas. Because if you do not have to dress in the morning, returning five minutes of study, and you feel less guilty for waking reduced last well this time.
crouched on the bed. With his legs crossed, the book resting on his knees, and eyes the hope to learn by osmosis. In the end, I and the book, we enter into an agreement to outline the defense: "I do not like you, you do not like me, let's put up with for another two weeks yet, so that neither should ever see again the other" .
Every time my poor mother opens the door to my room to take me a bit 'of coffee, or ask me if I want to eat something, I hear a cry to be born in the dark recesses of my throat, and I see him hovering in the air: "Vattttttttteeeeeeeennnnneeeeeeee and shut the fucking door! "
are officially entered in a "review to an end." "Water in the throat" give a good idea.
Continually in my pajamas. Because if you do not have to dress in the morning, returning five minutes of study, and you feel less guilty for waking reduced last well this time.
crouched on the bed. With his legs crossed, the book resting on his knees, and eyes the hope to learn by osmosis. In the end, I and the book, we enter into an agreement to outline the defense: "I do not like you, you do not like me, let's put up with for another two weeks yet, so that neither should ever see again the other" .
Every time my poor mother opens the door to my room to take me a bit 'of coffee, or ask me if I want to eat something, I hear a cry to be born in the dark recesses of my throat, and I see him hovering in the air: "Vattttttttteeeeeeeennnnneeeeeeee and shut the fucking door! "
Monday, February 14, 2011
View From Refractor Telescope
Find the intruder
"To stop the legislature Napolitano, the President should consult the chairmen of both chambers that the prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi that. When it happened to him then Ciampi agreed, this is not our case because the government is in the fullness of his duties "(from Corriere )
" The Constitution however, provides that "without a formal government crisis in advance to stop a legislature should consult the President of the Republic and the presidents of the chambers that the prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi that" (Republic of )
"without a formal crisis Government to stop the advance term the President should consult the Presidents of the Republic of the Chambers and the Council President "(from Journal )
" The President of the Republic, having heard the Presidents, dissolve one or both the Houses them "(the Constitution )
"To stop the legislature Napolitano, the President should consult the chairmen of both chambers that the prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi that. When it happened to him then Ciampi agreed, this is not our case because the government is in the fullness of his duties "(from Corriere )
" The Constitution however, provides that "without a formal government crisis in advance to stop a legislature should consult the President of the Republic and the presidents of the chambers that the prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi that" (Republic of )
"without a formal crisis Government to stop the advance term the President should consult the Presidents of the Republic of the Chambers and the Council President "(from Journal )
" The President of the Republic, having heard the Presidents, dissolve one or both the Houses them "(the Constitution )
Saturday, February 5, 2011
What Does It Mean When Rabbit Stand Up
Tutti gli stronzi della mia vita.
The unrepentant traitor: I met him about four years ago. Green eyes and crooked smile. Disarming. We were dating for just over two months. Beautiful speeches, laughter, subtle irony, empathy, sensual ... and no kisses. Not even the shadow of a kiss, a caress, a Palpatine, the surrogate fool of a dead hand on the ass. Nothing.
And while I resigned to the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing completely undesirable, or much more likely event that he was gay, came by his own admission, the incontrovertible truth: the crooked smile, the sexiest of all time was engaged for over ten years lived a few months, and expecting a child dall'ignara companion, who then married less than a year later. The self-confessed thought it well to justify everything by saying (I quote): "In the beginning, you had to be just a fuck, like so many others. I had not anticipated that I would love you. And that's why I stayed let me go by. I did not want to hurt you, I did not want to hurt you. " He did not want to hurt me. How sweet. He did not want. I hope I avergliene done so much with the kick in the ass that I settled.
The pathological liar: Spring three years ago. Dark eyes, beautiful hands, diplomatically fascinating. And creatively. Very creative. So creative to arrange a hunt treasure. With much of the map, cryptic clues, riddles, funny, narrow lanes, panoramic views, and romantic surprises.
At a certain point of the enchanted path leads me to a room, blindfold me (with a range of Inter, ed) me and says, "Pick a number between one and five." And I, between the joy and amazement, I respond with a dreamy voice: "Four." I discovered your eyes and gently, in front of me, curled his two chairs, four are waiting for wonderful toy. The entire collection of Winnie the Pooh. Lacked only the elephant, who was not able to find, and then, years later, I got a guy in Turin. But that's another story.
He continues: "Choose a different number." Stavolta opto per il due, e l'incredibile cornuto ( ah no, quella sono io --.-- ) mi viene incontro con un fascio di luminosissimi girasoli ed iris bianchi. Sapeva, lo schifosobuagiardosenzapalle ( e questo è proprio lui!! ) che io adoro i girasoli, molto più delle rose o di qualunque altro fiore che madre natura abbia avuto in sorte di concepire.
Quando scelgo il cinque, mi fa girare piano su me stessa così che gli occhi possano posarsi su uno striscione, alle mie spalle, che diceva: "La magia del sogno con te diventa realtà". Peccato che il sogno fosse, in verità, un incubo. Ma questo l'ho capito qualche tempo dopo.
Al numero tre corrispondeva un gigantesco uovo di Pasqua, più alto di me di almeno cinquanta cm. And at number one, is suddenly a waiter with two glasses of red wine and a tray full of all my favorite desserts: the tart with strawberries, nutella with the boats, the caprese, the lemon delight.
I shall return home by walking ten feet off the ground, and with the precise sense of having met the man of my life. But the man of my life was also the man in the life of another, and I found that less than a week later with a text message: "I'm an asshole, a bastard, but my feelings for you are real and true. I am engaged for over three and a half years, but do not love, I love you. If you said you had not been so great. Now she is coming to my house, do not look up neither of the two phones. "
I hope that a swarm of locusts has driven an armed uprising in his pants.
The maniac: for the" we do not miss anything. "I met him I'd just vent ' years. We were at the birthday dinner of a mutual friend. I sit next to, and engages in a desperate attempt at seduction. Firmly reject the siege and education, but he does not give up. At the end of the evening, really wants to ask my cell phone number to the boy who was celebrating his birthday. The next day I called, and I, unaware that that number was his, I say. When I see who it is, I renew my invitation to let loose and, unconsciously, I sign the my sentence. From quel momento iniziano le telefonate ad ogni ora, del giorno e della notte, minacce di morte, e pedinamenti.
Non faccio ironia su questa storia perché, all'epoca, ho conosciuto il sapore vero della paura. Non sono mai riuscita a confessarlo ai miei genitori, per uno strano senso di vergogna che, ancora oggi, non saprei spiegare. Per due mesi ho vissuto nel terrore di non tornare viva a casa, ogni volta che uscivo per andare all'università o per una birra con gli amici. Ho cambiato numero di cellulare, ed allontanato tutte le amicizie comuni che avrebbero potuto rappresentare un tramite. Ho scoperto, anni dopo, che era sposato ed era suo costume importunare le ragazzine. All'epoca la legge sullo stalking non esisteva, altrimenti avrei denunciato. There were extremes.
Tombeur femme: the cock instead of a brain transplant. Literally. A busy summer, full of passion, warm sunny days, afternoons spent in her house by the sea, and great, great, great promises.
Then one day, the damn phone brings the damn news: "The girl that I attended while working in Modena, Naples fell to surprise me. He stops three days. Do not look for me, I do I live as soon as you return to home. I do not want to lose you, I do not want nothing changes between us. Sunday morning, he drove into the station, and at night I come to you. "
what wilt? What did you say? I read that right? Her position and take me? Then I position and resume lei? E non deve cambiare nulla? Non deve cambiare nulla?? Ma allora sei uno stronzo. Sei talmente stronzo che bisognerebbe spiegartelo con un disegno. Sei talmente stronzo, ma talmente stronzo, che bisognerebbe inventare un'altra parola per dirlo!!
Qualche giorno dopo. Altro dannato cellulare, altro dannato sms: "La storia della tipa di Modena venuta a Napoli per farmi una sorpresa, non era vera. Mi sono inventato tutto, perché non sapevo come fare a chiudere il rapporto con te. Stava diventando tutto troppo serio, ed io non sono pronto per un impegno vero".
Meno di ventiquattro ore dopo: "Mi manchi, non riesco a smettere di pensarti".
Oggi racconto queste storie con divertita ironia. Ma, at the time, every disappointment, every betrayal is painful as it was a stab to the heart. The real miracle is not the fact that I have survived some pain, because I'm sure many others, like me, carry on their shoulders the weight of past failures, and wounds that are still burning. The real miracle is that to survive it was my idealism, my stand. Why I love, I stopped believing. But, as unfounded, continue to hope.
The unrepentant traitor: I met him about four years ago. Green eyes and crooked smile. Disarming. We were dating for just over two months. Beautiful speeches, laughter, subtle irony, empathy, sensual ... and no kisses. Not even the shadow of a kiss, a caress, a Palpatine, the surrogate fool of a dead hand on the ass. Nothing.
And while I resigned to the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing completely undesirable, or much more likely event that he was gay, came by his own admission, the incontrovertible truth: the crooked smile, the sexiest of all time was engaged for over ten years lived a few months, and expecting a child dall'ignara companion, who then married less than a year later. The self-confessed thought it well to justify everything by saying (I quote): "In the beginning, you had to be just a fuck, like so many others. I had not anticipated that I would love you. And that's why I stayed let me go by. I did not want to hurt you, I did not want to hurt you. " He did not want to hurt me. How sweet. He did not want. I hope I avergliene done so much with the kick in the ass that I settled.
The pathological liar: Spring three years ago. Dark eyes, beautiful hands, diplomatically fascinating. And creatively. Very creative. So creative to arrange a hunt treasure. With much of the map, cryptic clues, riddles, funny, narrow lanes, panoramic views, and romantic surprises.
At a certain point of the enchanted path leads me to a room, blindfold me (with a range of Inter, ed) me and says, "Pick a number between one and five." And I, between the joy and amazement, I respond with a dreamy voice: "Four." I discovered your eyes and gently, in front of me, curled his two chairs, four are waiting for wonderful toy. The entire collection of Winnie the Pooh. Lacked only the elephant, who was not able to find, and then, years later, I got a guy in Turin. But that's another story.
He continues: "Choose a different number." Stavolta opto per il due, e l'incredibile cornuto ( ah no, quella sono io --.-- ) mi viene incontro con un fascio di luminosissimi girasoli ed iris bianchi. Sapeva, lo schifosobuagiardosenzapalle ( e questo è proprio lui!! ) che io adoro i girasoli, molto più delle rose o di qualunque altro fiore che madre natura abbia avuto in sorte di concepire.
Quando scelgo il cinque, mi fa girare piano su me stessa così che gli occhi possano posarsi su uno striscione, alle mie spalle, che diceva: "La magia del sogno con te diventa realtà". Peccato che il sogno fosse, in verità, un incubo. Ma questo l'ho capito qualche tempo dopo.
Al numero tre corrispondeva un gigantesco uovo di Pasqua, più alto di me di almeno cinquanta cm. And at number one, is suddenly a waiter with two glasses of red wine and a tray full of all my favorite desserts: the tart with strawberries, nutella with the boats, the caprese, the lemon delight.
I shall return home by walking ten feet off the ground, and with the precise sense of having met the man of my life. But the man of my life was also the man in the life of another, and I found that less than a week later with a text message: "I'm an asshole, a bastard, but my feelings for you are real and true. I am engaged for over three and a half years, but do not love, I love you. If you said you had not been so great. Now she is coming to my house, do not look up neither of the two phones. "
I hope that a swarm of locusts has driven an armed uprising in his pants.
The maniac: for the" we do not miss anything. "I met him I'd just vent ' years. We were at the birthday dinner of a mutual friend. I sit next to, and engages in a desperate attempt at seduction. Firmly reject the siege and education, but he does not give up. At the end of the evening, really wants to ask my cell phone number to the boy who was celebrating his birthday. The next day I called, and I, unaware that that number was his, I say. When I see who it is, I renew my invitation to let loose and, unconsciously, I sign the my sentence. From quel momento iniziano le telefonate ad ogni ora, del giorno e della notte, minacce di morte, e pedinamenti.
Non faccio ironia su questa storia perché, all'epoca, ho conosciuto il sapore vero della paura. Non sono mai riuscita a confessarlo ai miei genitori, per uno strano senso di vergogna che, ancora oggi, non saprei spiegare. Per due mesi ho vissuto nel terrore di non tornare viva a casa, ogni volta che uscivo per andare all'università o per una birra con gli amici. Ho cambiato numero di cellulare, ed allontanato tutte le amicizie comuni che avrebbero potuto rappresentare un tramite. Ho scoperto, anni dopo, che era sposato ed era suo costume importunare le ragazzine. All'epoca la legge sullo stalking non esisteva, altrimenti avrei denunciato. There were extremes.
Tombeur femme: the cock instead of a brain transplant. Literally. A busy summer, full of passion, warm sunny days, afternoons spent in her house by the sea, and great, great, great promises.
Then one day, the damn phone brings the damn news: "The girl that I attended while working in Modena, Naples fell to surprise me. He stops three days. Do not look for me, I do I live as soon as you return to home. I do not want to lose you, I do not want nothing changes between us. Sunday morning, he drove into the station, and at night I come to you. "
what wilt? What did you say? I read that right? Her position and take me? Then I position and resume lei? E non deve cambiare nulla? Non deve cambiare nulla?? Ma allora sei uno stronzo. Sei talmente stronzo che bisognerebbe spiegartelo con un disegno. Sei talmente stronzo, ma talmente stronzo, che bisognerebbe inventare un'altra parola per dirlo!!
Qualche giorno dopo. Altro dannato cellulare, altro dannato sms: "La storia della tipa di Modena venuta a Napoli per farmi una sorpresa, non era vera. Mi sono inventato tutto, perché non sapevo come fare a chiudere il rapporto con te. Stava diventando tutto troppo serio, ed io non sono pronto per un impegno vero".
Meno di ventiquattro ore dopo: "Mi manchi, non riesco a smettere di pensarti".
Oggi racconto queste storie con divertita ironia. Ma, at the time, every disappointment, every betrayal is painful as it was a stab to the heart. The real miracle is not the fact that I have survived some pain, because I'm sure many others, like me, carry on their shoulders the weight of past failures, and wounds that are still burning. The real miracle is that to survive it was my idealism, my stand. Why I love, I stopped believing. But, as unfounded, continue to hope.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Fixing The Exterior Of A Big Green Egg
Frammenti di poesia.
"Let your tears on the pillow, met with his life, clash with the pain, love steals.
not have a goal, but a hundred.
Prova a ritornare, perché il ritorno da senso al viaggio.
Affrancati da te stesso, e dall'attesa. Per amare la vita bisogna tradire le aspettative.
Guardati intorno, e guardati da chi si professa libero. Il sapore della libertà è la paura. Solo chi ha paura della libertà ha il coraggio di inseguirla ... " ..
Le cento città. Vincenzo Costantino.
"Let your tears on the pillow, met with his life, clash with the pain, love steals.
not have a goal, but a hundred.
Prova a ritornare, perché il ritorno da senso al viaggio.
Affrancati da te stesso, e dall'attesa. Per amare la vita bisogna tradire le aspettative.
Guardati intorno, e guardati da chi si professa libero. Il sapore della libertà è la paura. Solo chi ha paura della libertà ha il coraggio di inseguirla ... " ..
Le cento città. Vincenzo Costantino.
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