cultural subordination I did not vote in the primaries for the candidate for mayor of Milan, for the good reason that I did not vote in the primaries. If I was forced, I would certainly have voted Onida, as Boeri was a part of that same civil society that has given pills policemen and Confindustria, without even Indore, and Pisapia seemed and still seems a bit 'too' springs "to fight the battle against the Moratti.
Nevertheless, once ritrovatomi Pisapia as a candidate, I started to make me pleasure, and I thought that probably the right time I would have even voted.
* Then came the hubbub of the rents of the Pio Albergo Trivulzio, and it was discovered that Pisapia has a girlfriend and that girlfriend that leads to rent an apartment in the Pio Albergo Trivulzio: a rented apartment and a husband 23 years ago. The
Pisapia, who apparently does not read Wolfstep, should have replied: "Embee?" And instead apologized for having committed a lightweight, strengthened in the opinion that it is too soft to deal with the campaign but at the same time, convincing myself that is a decent person: a person who apologizes for something he did not commit or facilitated but, simply, it was close.
Let's say the car at times I pulled in the other day, tomorrow was going to run into a wall and the driver were to die in excruciating pain: I open a bottle, while Pisapia probably would feel guilty and do not hesitate to admit that if it did, he would a better person than me.
The question, however, the apartment could finish there, with an excuse too, if he had not immediately left the conditioned reflex grillopietrista of much of the Italian left: the left one for which a suspect is convicted by a final, a convict who has served their sentences, regardless of the crime committed, is stigma for life, and gradually moving away from the principles of elementary logic, gets to make one talk is enough to make a suspect chatted, and then a suspect, and then a defendant, and thus convicted and then sentenced in a definitive way, and therefore an outcast of society and politics.
Certainly, we had come to extend the infamy to the descendants to the seventh generation and boyfriends, but do not worry we have now overcome this barrier.
We came, chasing the screaming of vulgar comedy, strolling players and ex-fascists, to transform a rule of law in a republic of the foundation stone on which, however, half of the scribes and Pharisees if they SODDING, the claim of Jesus, and draws ass pound boulders while a child, oblivious to the contradiction which consents not.
for that alone should take the promoter Washball and hang by the feet, not enough anything else he's done.
Mind you, the problem is that with the giving to him by Pisapia Who should bear the risk of losing the elections once again in Milan: I'm already thoroughly convinced that in Milan, for at least another two decades, there is just to have a housekeeper is not right. The real problem is that we (or rather
: Many of us have) an internalized model of politics that is at odds with the values \u200b\u200bthat we should pursue and that is inherently, inevitably and ubiquitously loser. Il modello che ci hanno trasmesso i Grillo, i Veltroni**, i Di Pietro, prevede che si guardi alla persona anziché al programma; all'estensione dell'alleanza anziché alla coerenza delle idee; al filato della sciarpa anziché al discorso pronunciato. Portato al naturale estremo, il modello imposto dai Travagli e dai Barbacetti lascia spazio all'agire politico solamente a dei perfetti deficienti decerebrati: dato che solo un deficiente decerebrato può essere arrivato a diciott'anni senza commettere né un reato né un illecito***. E dato che l'essere eletti non è come il ragno di Peter Parker, non possiamo certo aspettarci che il decerebrato di turno una volta insediato divenga di colpo un raffinato genio della politica, un Bartlet, un Lyman, una Gardner: si limiterà ad essere un burattino nelle mani dell'imbonitore capo, magari proprio quello che ha affermato che non scenderà mai in politica in quanto già condannato in via definitiva.
Tutto ciò, intendiamoci, quando le cose vanno bene. Quando le cose vanno male il coglione comincia a guardarsi intorno, si accorge che le poltrone comode sono comode, tira fuori quel grano di furbizia che qualunque pirla ha in sé e al momento buono manda affanculo l'imbonitore e si fa pagare il mutuo della casa da qualcun altro.
Questo per quanto riguarda la sinistra. Per quanto riguarda la destra, il problema non si pone: chi viene beccato con le mani nel sacco dichiara candidamente che non sa chi gli avesse paid for the house where he lives: and his voters give reason and logic so indignant that an explanation can be questioned by opponents of the Party of Hate and Envy. The
Pisapia, when he apologized for the fact that his current girlfriend and a husband twenty-three years ago he rented an apartment and has always paid the rent, must be the victim of this troubled reflection. I hope to have a burst of pride and send to hell all those who, from the right or left, camp out on his bullshit (and, if there were any doubts, the shit was the scusarzi, I do not choose a bride with house for rent).
I hope, above all, we all be able to exit the tunnel This justicialism two-bit holes, useful only to empower and contributions to the tribunes that would not be worthy of occupying a place even at Speaker's Corner: people who have one idea on how to move forward a country but, in contrast, knows very well how to capture and recycle popularity from one season to another, by twenty years as the novelty of the moment.
* this blog please do not use the ending-pole, with the exception of posts dealing with parlor games and Etruscan archeological
** maybe this time a bit 'less, but he still has to respond' s being born and then we could not cite
*** Please note that smoking a joint è un illecito amministrativo ex art. 75 L.309/90; tornare a casa ubriachi lo è ex art.688 c.p. e inveire contro la Divinità lo è ex art.724 c.p. Pisciare contro un albero invece è un vero e proprio reato, p.e p. dall' art. 726 c.p.