Monday, March 15, 2010

Talents And Qualities A Nurse Should Possess

Altri 130 anni di purgatorio...

From Chapter 15 of the Gospel of Go Nagai

[...] 24 And they crucified him and divided his garments, casting lots for them what each should take. 25 It was nine o'clock in the morning when they crucified him. 26 And the inscription of the charge against him read: The King of the Jews (Bible CEI), National Institute of isoperimetric Rectangle (New International Version Bible) or IKEA (Bible Version). 27 With him they crucified two robbers, one on his right and one left. 28 they had had four it would have also placed one in front and one behind, but it did not.
29 Passers derided him, wagging their heads, and saying, 'Hey, you who destroy the temple and build it in three days, save yourself 30 down from the cross. " 31 also the chief priests and scribes, mocked him, saying, "He saved others, can not save himself, is a narrative incongruity! 32 The Christ, King of Israel descend now from the cross, we may see and believe. " And even those who were crucified with him reviled him, "What? The nails are perhaps of kryptonite? Work hard and save us the ass! LOL. "
33 sixth hour came there was darkness over all the land until three in the afternoon. 34 At three o'clock Jesus cried with a loud voice Eloi, Eloi , lama sabachthani kudasai! , which in ancient language Yamata means Father, Father , Throw the components! 35 some of the bystanders hearing it said, "Here, call the Base fallout." 36 one ran vinegar soaked sponge , put it on a reed, and gave him to drink , saying, "Wait, let's see if Miwa to take him down." 37 And Jesus, he cried out even stronger pull way down from the cross and the nails with a double somersault.
38 The veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom.
39 When the centurion who stood facing him, saw jumping like that, he said: "Truly this is the Son of God."
40 There were also women who were watching from a distance, including Mary Magdalene (Maria Grace Fled in the original version, the sister of Actarus) and Venus ( Hikaru Makiba) , 41 who followed him and served since he was hired by Toei Animation , and many others that came up with him to Jerusalem, In short, those with chest which he found himself a round of mica pucchiacca laugh.
42 In the meantime, Jesus had already placed the Centurions with a series of moves of Jiu Jitsu and was preparing to save the two thieves who now pleaded as lambs, 43 Joseph of Arimathea, otaku the first hour - that seven years had seen the whole original series - he went boldly to Pilate to ask for the cross of Jesus to be able to make action figures scale the original as possible. 44 Pilate marveled that there were already so much demand, called the centurion asked him if he could not be derived something right. 45 from the centurion, he gave the cross to Joseph. 46 Jesus did back then by the Apostles, where he was greeted by shouts of joy, sparkling wine and snacks in Cana of unleavened bread. 47 Mary Magdalene and Venus were on the sidelines to watch the festivities. 48 "You were fantastic, an interpretation as God commands," said Christ. 49 Then he turned to Peter and said: 'That idea of \u200b\u200bthe three songs of the cock then ... embrace the facts! " 50 and Peter in the throes of emotion said:" It was a surprise, we knew you'd appreciate! But it is thanks to James, he was to teach the pen. " 51 However, the enthusiasm is just pacarono Thomas burst into tears: "Forgive me sir, because when I saw the blood coming down from the side I doubted your super powers." 52 "I've already forgiven," said Jesus, but then, startled shouted: "Where is Judas? Where is my favorite? 53 Someone has warned that the plan work? That's a perfectionist, if not stopped could follow the script to the end ... Judah where you !!!». 54 "You should warn you," said Philip, pointing to Bartholomew. 55 "I had to wake up John. You should warn you, "said Andrea Bartolomeo indicating, 56 " I felt I had to Jude, not Iscariot, and so I did. Homonymy because I knew that sooner or later, we made a fucking mess! "Said Andrea, who was crazy for cinematography pulp. 54 impatiently, Christ interrupted them: "Be quiet! Were discussing how those who are fools! Simon is a shortcut to the Temple, soon. " 55 clatter of sandals and it was down the hill, but 56 facts that were the path of the olive trees with great dismay they stopped at the sight of a figure dangling from a branch of the olive family higher. 57 "We arrived late," said Jesus as if the spear pierced his side for a second time, 'Pull him down, honored him with a dignified burial. 58 Leave me alone, this is our saddest moment. " She had 59 night when the apostles came to tap what they thought the body dell'Iscariota, and then exclaimed: "He is not Judas ... this is just a puppet of rags and straw and dried palm trees! " 60 and was then turned and saw Jesus Judas advance verso di lui dalla collina: 61 smoking bianco con cilindro, sottobraccio a due sventole bionde mai viste prima ed avvolto dall'aurea luminosa provocata della luna che gli sorgeva alle spalle. 62 Con un elegante movimento del pollice Giuda fece saltare il tappo ad una bottiglia di Berlucchi e riempendosi un calice disse ai presenti: «E allora? Chi è che riesce ad infinocchiare anche il padreterno?». 63 Gli undici scoppiarono a ridere 64 mentre Pietro con due mani scompigliava i capelli ad un Gesù dall'aria incredula sfottendolo amabilmente: «Buona Pasqua boccalone!». 65 «Mi... mi hai fregato anche stavolta... », disse il Salvatore! "That's why I love your face slapped." 66 Iscariot bowed and said, "Enough nonsense! Do not know about you, but I have 30 pieces of silver and a great desire on the loose! Raise your buttocks ... I offer you tonight. "

Credits: San Marco, Grind, Jerry Siegel, Go Nagai, Quentin Tarantino, Stefano Benni, Mike Mignola, Daniele Luttazzi and the TV series "A-Team" and "Hustle" .


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