30 million Italians to insult him, abroad as the butt of consumer jokes were the worst of silly clowns charlatans, the (ex) wife and asks him a check sfancula food photonic investigators besiege him, the disgraced friends, enemies write volumes about his misdeeds and "crazy" the cathedral.
This would devastate self-esteem of anyone, and what does he do instead? Disappears for 15 days, you set up 4 other canines in titanium and returns in the company of his "dental hygienist" (also known as Miss-Chiappe-Da-Scream-2010). He manages to escape
processes with all sorts of trick: prescription, amnesty, acquittals due to immense wealth (false accounting Medusa film), and where there is una scappatoia la inventa: assume avvocati che diventano onorevoli, sistema giudici in punti strategici, si fa eleggere, legifera, decreta, comma, postilla e si legittimoimpedimenta.
Come se non bastasse, trova pure il tempo per false operazioni di facciata (con cui imbonisce folle di popolo bove) ad anche per serate in cui trombarsi escort che fa pagare ad altri! Geniale no?
Siamo sinceri, รจ meglio di Lex Luthor (Luthor ogni tanto in galera ci finisce) ed in quanto ad interpretazione straccia largamente il culo a Kevin Spacey.
Io me lo immagino seduto di schiena in cima alla scalinata che porta al pulpito all'interno della sua immensa camera da letto in alabastro mentre, dopo il tramonto, con un gigantesco a pipe organ sings the last requiem in D minor, written by Apicella.
of a sudden you open a side door creaking, Bondi enters dressed as Igor (that is, just like we used to see it) and in the din caused by the body to pronounce an imperceptible whisper the phrase: "Millions failed to deliver lists for the Lazio region ...».
the word "region" out of tune and the body begins to stop.
Silvio gets up, turning his eyes lit up like two high-brightness LED color of blood (ex) virgin ... then extends his hands to the sky as if to rip my heart out to the creator and begins to scream, "WHY DDIO! Why am I surrounded it with PERFECT INCAPAAAACI !!!». Nell'alabastro cracks, lightning over the windows in the mosaic (the logos of his TV) and Igor who hides behind a bust of Mussolini suck your thumb.
never gives up. If the decree does not make use of the TAR, the TAR if it rejects the request calls on the Council of State if the State Council had to make a deaf ear there will be a fierce protest on the streets or go to another decree, or know that stracazzo .
There is always a plan B!
Good, however, people can afford them just like in the comics.
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