Perche' nessuno scende in piazza al fianco dei patrioti libici? Perche' era cosi' facile mobilitare giustamente milioni of people against Bush and the Americans for the war in Iraq and no one tries to fill the streets against the dictator Gaddafi?There are many people who are amazed at the fact that head Watermelon has issued this statement on Libya.
On the web there are those who reproached him with the double standards of the PD, who originally voted in favor of the protocol of friendship between Italy and Libya. Some people spent time and effort to explain that large protests during the U.S. wars in the Middle East were intended to pressure the Italian government to take a stance, not to sympathize with those who, being under the bombs, solidarity does not know what to do. Some have remarked on the sterility of a protest and simulated an end in itself that is devoid of a recipient, a program, a purpose.
Frankly, this surprised me a bit 'I wonder: If I remember correctly Angurione managed to sell her as something of PD, the victory of Barack Obama. And I think even his two neurons were able to understand that the Democratic Party was directed by him at the time other than the Democratic Party of Obama, if only for reasons of time zone. The latest release of Walter, then, is perfectly in line with the thinking of misty our favorite scoundrel, to which we all should have done the corn for a while.
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