Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tonsillitis In Babies

Cos'è l'amore?

"Love is when you go out to eat, and a lot of chips to someone without wanting the other to give you. "(Gianluca, 6 years)

" When my grandmother had arthritis and could not get your nails done, her grandfather used to do it though He also had arthritis. This is love. "(Rebecca, age 8)

" Love is when a girl puts on perfume, aftershave boy, and then come together to sniff. "(Martin, 5 years)

" Love is the first thing you hear, before it gets to the evil. "(Charles, 5 years)

" Love is when someone hurts you, and you are very angry, but not screaming for him not to cry . '(Susanna, 5 years)

"Love is quella cosa che ci fa sorridere quando siamo stanchi." (Tommaso, 4 anni)

"L'amore è quando mamma fa il caffè per papà e lo assaggia prima, per assicurarsi che sia buono." (Daniele, 7 anni)

"L'amore è quando mamma da' a papà il pezzo più buono del pollo." (Elena, 5 anni)

"L'amore è quando il mio cane mi lecca la faccia, anche se l'ho lasciato solo tutta la giornata." (Anna Maria, 4 anni)

"Non bisogna mai dire "Ti amo" se non è vero. Ma, se è vero, bisogna dirlo tante volte. Le persone dimenticano." (Jessica, 8 anni)

Monday, November 29, 2010

Masterbation Of Hostel Living Women

Arriverderci Mario, amico mio

It 'just a black period for the world of entertainment, today is not Mario Monicelli, director and writer.

Unlike the two previous listings, although seriously ill, he decided to end their lives when and how he wanted probabilmente per non assistere al progressivo disfacimento del suo corpo terreno.

Il suo spirito indomito, facile allo sberleffo era quello di un Toscano di rena, ma aveva installato nelle sue opere il gusto della risata con un sottofondo di amarezza.

Per noi Toscani, sarà sempre ricordato come il regista dei primi due capitoli della serie di Amici Miei .

Se si fossero svolti, ai tuoi funerali ci sarebbe stata molta più gente di quella presente a quelli del Perozzi.

Ciao Mario, amico nostro!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Boats Holding Pennies

Adesso la Pallattola è davvero spuntata

Un altro grande personaggio della commedia leggera e dell'intrattenimento comico ci ha lasciati.

I was not a true fan of Leslie Nielsen, but his films made it possible to get a laugh without lapsing into too much vulgar as some cinepanettoni.

All who knew him as Dr. Rumack in Airplane! the world, as Father Jebedaiah Mayii in Riposseduta , as Count Dracula in Dracula: Dead and as Dick Steele in light and leaves spy, but the role in which we review it in our minds is that of Frank Drebin in the films The Naked Gun series .

His comedy was fresh and genuine, although sometimes, she falls into the vulgar. We'll miss

Lieutenant. I hope solo che ti lascino arbitrare anche là, dove sei adesso.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Descargar Hdloader 3.8c

Stranezze e Stronzate.

Una settimana fa, circa.

Mio padre: " Anto, ma non vuoi fidanzarti, andare a convivere ( ha detto proprio così. Convivere. Mio padre ha usato la parola con-vi-ve-re ), sposarti, un giorno? "
Io: " Certo papà. Sto solo cercando la persona giusta. Facendo un rapido calcolo, conto di trovarla in un'altra vita. Aspetto la reincarnazione .. " ..

Il cinismo l'ho ereditato da lui.

Domenica pomeriggio.

Una mia amica: " Anto, forse il tuo problema con gli uomini è che hai un carattere troppo forte .. "
Io: " Forse, il problema che gli uomini hanno con me, è che io ho un carattere .. " ..

L'amica è was immediately downgraded to "constructive knowledge".


Emilio Fede: "A civilized people, as we are, should lead these students."

Thus spoke one of the lackeys of Berlusconi and the shame of Italian journalism. Along with dignity, he must have lost the ability to differentiate between what is civil and what is not is.
It 's true that the mother of idiots is always pregnant.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Fresh Wedding Flower Comment

Obbligo di esposizione delle Tabelle alcolemiche: i dati sono corretti?

Da oggi tutti gli esercizi commerciali che somministrano alcolici, tranne alcune eccezioni, sono obbligati per legge a esporre le tabelle alcolemiche.


 Dopo averci dato un'occhiata mi è sorto un dubbio: siamo sicuri che i dati riportati siano corretti?

Non parlo di quella che elenca le simtomatologie relative ai vari blood alcohol levels in the blood, how much of that most basic and that is that the amount of alcohol present in various beverages.
According to that table I could drink a gin 40cc to 60 degrees and the same of a liquor at 35 degrees without exceeding the legal limits. So give me a glass of vodka and one of brandy and then I go for a ride to the sea, everything, I forgot to say, on an empty stomach!

But who has compiled these tables? A seller of alcoholic beverages? Or coffins? If
drank so much alcohol on an empty stomach would not be able to stand, let alone bring a car. It takes nothing away to my comments on the tables that you speak di stime!
Allora io stimo che due bottiglie di Centerbe alle otto la mattina portino il mio tasso alcolemico a 0.01! Ma siamo seri almeno per quanto riguarda la salute e la spesa sociale!

Le persone non prestano attenzione alla salute propria e a quella altrui e si mettono alla guida sotto l'influenza di sostanze che ne intaccano l'apparato neurologico; figuriamoci uno sprovveduto che si fida delle indicazioni, emesse dai ministeri del Lavoro, della Salute e delle Politiche Sociali , e si tiene sotto la soglia indicata.
Come minimo arriva a una alcolemia di 1.00 altro che 0.50!

Quando uscite e andate a divertirvi in compagnia o da soli, ricordatevi che in quei momenti, non siete in grado di valutare your physical or mental condition. Do not drink (too much) and if you do not want to risk using a personal alcohol test or what, under the same legislation, the premises must be made available to customers! He demanded to take the test!

patrons you, never loose!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Mercrury 150 Prop Guard

Buona notte.

Who, tonight, will not be able to sleep. Who, however, sleep like a log.
Who will sleep well. Who wants his dreams of milk and honey.
Who will count the sheep. Those who prefer the stars. Who
canticchierà a lullaby. A black man who saw him in the face.
Who, "Mommy tell me a story?". Who: "The stories are things for adults."
Who will love. Who will cover the pillow
Who chooses the dark. Who, however, will be light.
Who will sleep in comfort. Who wants to be tomorrow.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Clear Urine In Pancreatitis

Polemiche inutili e censura preventiva

In recent days, perhaps to gloss over other subjects, there was a lot of talk about which songs to play during the evening in memory of the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy, the papal state continues to exist until 1870 and became the capital Rome the following year.

The choice to play Hello Beautiful Youth and someone appeared dangerous, perhaps because they remember the historical facts, it is to be condemned to repeat it, this thing that some notorious famous people would not mind at all. Unfortunately, few know that

Hello Bella was born as a song of Mondine Youth and collegiate was a song. Personally I find both quite beautiful and of great historical and cultural value.

not that Fascism denies that things are improving. In those years there were the Italians who believed in an idea and others in the opposite direction. These are things that have happened and will happen again. The mistakes, the atrocities and killings, there were on all sides. When you stop speaking and speaking are the weapons, no one reason. Citing the good doctor

" Violence is the last refuge of incompetents! "
then I would do in this space, what others have not had the courage or the foresight to do, you hear these two songs that, for better or for worse, are part of our history.


Hello Beautiful

PS: The order in which they are mentioned and / or hold up the two songs is purely coincidental.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Play Pokemon Silver Version

Ricordo dell'alluvione

Today is the anniversary of ' Florence flood of November 4, 1966.

have passed many years and much water under the bridge, but if you experience the same weather conditions today, all would again, as evidenced by the various floods of recent years took place in Tuscany.

Not to forget what happened yesterday and unfortunately could happen today.

Birthday For 42 Year Old Wife

Oggi, vi racconto una storia.

was a beautiful day, the day you were born.
Your eyes rested on the World to the first time. Eyes large, curious, sweet. Have you seen
succession birthdays, and candles. And, for each candle, a desire to express.

There have been games. The caresses of their grandparents. The laughter with friends.
There were happy days. Days to grow. Days to live.
There have been days to go wrong. And day to look forward. Days of things to learn. Days of things not to despise.
There were days when to be strong. Days to apologize. Days in which to stop. Days to win.

When You were born, I understood what it meant to love someone with a love strong, powerful, domineering. A visceral love. An inescapable love. Immeasurable love.
When you were born, I understood what it meant to love someone more than yourself.

"... you'll always have the wind in their sails. The sun upon your face. The winds of fate makes you fly high, to dance with the stars" ...

Greetings my brother ... Beautiful 18.