@ Anonymous
The previous post has nothing to do with Jehovah's Witnesses except that the title of the leaflet is well suited to my present condition.
However, despite having attended a few and also for a long time (but for reasons that had nothing to do with religion) I can safely tell you that I know of JW's not cheap, but pretty much anything.
"Oh Terra2, but if you do not know anything about the JW's as you say that their religion is worse than suicide?"
fact! As for me not only applies to JW but for those who waste time thinking that a god who created the universe (ALL = last of fools to the pope of Scientology).
"Then you're an atheist! Do not you think that being atheist requires more faith to believe in something? "
fact I'm not atheist, but the fact that the universe is created spontaneously or by something I do not care because there is no evidence certain for either hypothesis.
then specified that there should be due to something that does not necessarily mean that something he has done so voluntarily or that you are nice to us, give an example: The fact that you create a colony of worms on the food that I inadvertently forgot to put in the fridge does not mean I love those worms!
far as we know we could be a parasite that has sent in a cow herd of dinosaurs grazing lush, and next Wednesday we could all die crushed by a giant-killing flies from above the clouds while Cthulhu yells, "HUMAN! You are distracted for a moment and four continents haunt you! "
However I have nothing against Jehovah's Witnesses, really, or at least no more than it does to Catholics, Muslims, Jews, Maronites, Orthodox, Anglicans and Microsoft ... except for the fact that trying to evangelize at 9 on Sunday morning - quite frankly - is truly a colossal failure of shit.
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